Room, Location
w3, 2023 
Monday2023-01-16 09:00 - 09:30 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Schedule may be subject to change

Course leader: Changchun Chen

Introduction to the course (CC)
09:30 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Lecture: Genetic nomenclature, mutations and their isolation and selection (VS) and Problem-solving class 1 (PSC 1) (CC, KV, YÖ)
Tuesday2023-01-17 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Anders Byström “The concept of suppression” and PSC 2 (AB)
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Question time
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Vicky Shingler Lecture: Prokaryotic gene structure and regulation: the use of transcription versus
translational fusions (VS) and PSC 3 (questions only)
Wednesday2023-01-18 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Question time
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Vicky Shingler Lecture: From restriction enzymes to simple cloning (VS) and PSC 4 (questions only)
Thursday2023-01-19 09:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Lecture (MGA): Genetic analysis of a transcriptional regulator (VS). With introduction to Experiment 1: Isolation and mapping of a suppressor mutation in E. coli. Pre-lab Experiment 1 - Tasks 1 and 2 (VS, KV, YÖ)
13:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Exercise 1: Analysis of DNA and protein sequences (KV, YÖ)
Friday2023-01-20 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Wet lab information (lab safety etc) – Introduction to Experiment 1 - Task 3 (KV, YÖ)
10:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Gröna labbet
6L Gröna labbet annex
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Experiment 1 - Task 3 continued
w4, 2023 
Monday2023-01-23 09:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Lecture: Classical mutation mapping in bacteria-phage transduction and HFR (VS) and PSC 5 (VS, KV, YÖ)
13:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Experiment 1 - Task 3
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline answers to PSC3 and PSC4 (up-load on Canvas).
Tuesday2023-01-24 08:00 - 09:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Experiment 1 - Task 3
09:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Pre-lab Experiment 1 – Task 4 (VS, KV, YÖ)
12:00 - 12:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Information Free afternoon for Uniaden (08:00 - 16:00, Universum)
Thursday2023-01-26 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Pre-lab Experiment 1 – Task 5 (VS, KV, YÖ)
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Mandatory 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Vicky Shingler Lecture: Scientific Literacy and the Scientific Method and Scientific article 1
assignment (VS)
14:00 - 16:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Matthew Francis Lecture: Allelic replacement in bacteria and site directed mutagenesis using PCR with introduction to computer exercise 2 (MF)
Friday2023-01-27 14:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Pre-lab Experiment 1 – Task 5 and 6 (VS, KV, YÖ)
w5, 2023 
Monday2023-01-30 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Prepared discussion
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Vicky Shingler PSC 3 and PSC 4 discussion
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Silvia Remeseiro Lecture: “Real time PCR and digital PCR” (SR)
Tuesday2023-01-31 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Introduction to Experiment 2. “Inactivation of an E. coli gene for functional studies”, planning/discussions in groups
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Continue discussion of Exp. 2 in groups at a place of your preference.
Wednesday2023-02-01 09:30 - 15:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Prepared discussion
6L Uracil Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Discussion of strategy for Exp. 2. (YÖ, KV)

(Group discussions: schedule will be posted after course start)
Thursday2023-02-02 08:30 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Lecture: Yeast Genetics I, Linkage and complementation analysis in yeast. (CC) Exercise 3: “Meiotic mapping of the IMT1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and PSC 6 (questions only) (CC)
13:00 - 15:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Lecture. The CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering system (CC)
Friday2023-02-03 13:00 - 13:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline for written report on strategy for Exp. 2 (up-load on Canvas)
w6, 2023 
Monday2023-02-06 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture Canvas Johan Henriksson Lecture: Sequencing - from the past to now (JH) (pre-recorded flipped classroom).
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture Canvas Johan Henriksson Lecture: RNA-sequencing. Constructing and interpreting libraries, (JH) (pre-recorded flipped classroom).
12:00 - 16:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Exercise 2: Deletion of the nusA gene in E. coli (KV, YÖ)
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline for Experiment 1 – Task 6 written report (up-load on Canvas)
Tuesday2023-02-07 10:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Lecture: Yeast Genetics II; Vectors in yeast and allelic exchange (CC)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
23:45 - 00:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline answers PSC 6 (up-load on Canvas)
Wednesday2023-02-08 08:00 - 09:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2
09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Lecture: Yeast Genetics III; Libraries and manipulation of yeast. Scientific article 2 assignment (CC)
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
Thursday2023-02-09 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Johan Henriksson Questions on lectures, Sequencing - from the past to now (JH) and RNA-sequencing. Constructing and interpreting libraries (JH)
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Prepared discussion
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Discussion PSC 6 (CC)
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Prepared discussion
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Vicky Shingler Discussion/roundup Experiment 1 (VS)
14:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
Friday2023-02-10 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Simon Tuck Lecture: RNAi (ST)
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Anders Byström Lecture (MGA), “The wobble hypothesis revisited” (AB)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
w7, 2023 
Monday2023-02-13 08:00 - 09:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Question time
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Jörgen Johansson Lecture: “Small RNAs”. Discovery of a new regulatory entity and PSC 7 (questions only) (JJ)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
23:45 - 00:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline answers to questions for Exp. 4 (upload on Canvas).
Tuesday2023-02-14 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Anders Byström Lecture (MGA): “The yeast Elongator complex”- genetic identification of a principle function. (AB)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 (KV, YÖ)
Wednesday2023-02-15 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Matthew Francis Lecture: Protein-protein interactions-protein based approaches (MF)
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Pre-lab Experiment 3; Genetic analysis of tRNA mutations (KV, YÖ)
Lecture hall: (Thymine/Uracil), thereafter Experiments 2 and 3 (red lab)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Pre-lab Experiment 3; Genetic analysis of tRNA mutations (KV, YÖ)
Lecture hall:
(Thymine/Uracil), thereafter Experiments 2 and 3 (Red lab).
Thursday2023-02-16 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiments 2 and 3
13:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Silvia Remeseiro Lecture: “Approaches to study 3D genome organization” (SR)
23:45 - 00:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline for PSC7 answers (up-load on Canvas)
Friday2023-02-17 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Lecture: “Optogenetics” (CC)
10:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiments 2 and 3
13:00 - 15:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6A R1 Astrid Fagraeus hörsal Silvia Remeseiro Lecture (MGA): “Long-range gene regulation and 3D chromatin organization: From development to cancer” (SR)
w8, 2023 
Monday2023-02-20 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 2 and 3 (Red lab and LAB CLEANING!).
13:00 - 15:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6A R1 Astrid Fagraeus hörsal Jonas von Hofsten Lecture: “Fish for science; the zebrafish model system” (JvH)
Tuesday2023-02-21 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Information Student Sports Day (Hälsa på campus)
Wednesday2023-02-22 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6A R1 Astrid Fagraeus hörsal Simon Tuck Lecture: “The art of genetic screens” (ST)
Thursday2023-02-23 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture Canvas Johan Henriksson Lecture: “Analyzing NGS data with R and Linux” (JH) (pre-recorded flipped classroom).
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L J0 Vita labbet Experiment 3
Friday2023-02-24 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Prepared discussion
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Jörgen Johansson Discussion PSC 7 (JJ)
10:15 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Lecture: “Mitochondrial genetics” (CC)
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 3
w9, 2023 
Monday2023-02-27 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture Hörsal NAT.D.440 Johan Henriksson Questions on lecture “Analyzing NGS data with R and Linux” (JH)
12:00 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
6L Röda labbet
6L Röda labbet annex
Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Experiment 3
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline for scientific article 1 written assignment.
Tuesday2023-02-28 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Information Remember to read and try to do genetic problems I for WED 1/3
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Laboratory session
Hörsal NAT.D.440 Katarina Vielfort
Yngve Östberg
Pre-lab Experiment 4: Protein-protein interactions-the 2-hybrid system - dry lab (KV, YÖ)
Wednesday2023-03-01 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Jan Larsson Lecture (MGA): “Chromosome-wide gene regulation and epigenetics” (JL)
11:00 - 11:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Information Read and try to do genetic problems II for FRI 3/3
12:00 - 16:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Katarina Vielfort
Vicky Shingler
Yngve Östberg
Genetic problems I (VS, KV, YÖ)
Thursday2023-03-02 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Björn Schröder Lecture: (MGA): “The human gut microbiota” (BS)
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline for the report of Exp. 2 (up-load on Canvas).
Friday2023-03-03 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Johan Henriksson Lecture (MGA): High throughput genetic screen: from behavior to molecular mechanisms. (JH)
12:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Genetic problems II (CC)
w10, 2023 
Monday2023-03-06 09:00 - 11:45 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Scientific article 1 - assessments (CC) – Completion Deadline 14.
13:45 - 14:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Completion Deadline 14.00
14:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6A R1 Astrid Fagraeus hörsal Johan Henriksson Lecture: “Single-cell methods with Python, and the future of molecular biology” (JH)
Tuesday2023-03-07 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline scientific article 2 written assignment (up-load on Canvas).
Wednesday2023-03-08 09:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Lecture 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Simon Tuck Lecture (MGA): “Regulation of metabolism in the nematode C. elegans” (ST)
Thursday2023-03-09 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Scientific article 2 (Groups 1-5), (CC)

In parallel, groups not discussing scientific article 2 will do Course evaluation.
10:00 - 11:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen Scientific article 2 (Groups 6-10), (CC)

In parallel, groups not discussing scientific article 2 will do Course evaluation.
Friday2023-03-10 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline for the report of Exp. 3 (up-load on Canvas).
w11, 2023 
Monday2023-03-13 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
16:45 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Deadline Deadline: Report Experiment 4 (Upload on Canvas)
Tuesday2023-03-14 09:00 - 10:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Prepared discussion
1D T9 Hörsal D Jörgen Johansson Discussion PSC 7 (JJ)
10:00 - 10:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
Wednesday2023-03-15 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
Thursday2023-03-16 09:30 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Question time 6K Thymine
6L Uracil
Changchun Chen
Vicky Shingler
Questions and discussions before the exam (VS, CC)
Friday2023-03-17 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
w12, 2023 
Monday2023-03-20 09:00 - 09:15 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Independent study Individual studies
Tuesday2023-03-21 09:00 - 13:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Examination Papperstentamen AUN Aula Nordica Raiyan Ibrahim Aula nordica
w19, 2023 
Saturday2023-05-13 08:00 - 12:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Examination Papperstentamen
ÖP Skrivsal 4 Raiyan Ibrahim
w34, 2023 
Wednesday2023-08-23 13:00 - 17:00 Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Molecular Genetics, 5MO120
Molecular Genetics, 3MB031
Omtentamen, papper
ÖP Skrivsal 5 Lina Helgesson
Course nameCourse code, Event code
Molecular Genetics3MB031, A3360vt23
Molecular Genetics3MB031, 33611vt23
Molecular Genetics5MO120, 51502vt23
Molecular Genetics5MO120, A5164vt23