v 50 Mån 2020-12-07 v 50
10 - 12 EXTN10, NGEN07 EXTN10-0108, NGEN07-0701 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Tentamen L4-fr, L4-gi, NGEN07 Exam. It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited!
13 - 15 EXTN10, NGEN07 EXTN10-0108, NGEN07-0701 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Tentamen L4-fr, L4-gi, NGEN07 Exam. It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited!
v 8 Fre 2021-02-26 v 8
10 - 12 EXTN10, NGEN07 EXTN10-0108, NGEN07-0701 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Omtentamen L4-fr, L4-gi, NGEN07 Written exam
13 - 15 EXTN10, NGEN07 EXTN10-0108, NGEN07-0701 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Omtentamen L4-fr, L4-gi, NGEN07 Practical exam
v 34 Tis 2021-08-24 v 34
10 - 12 EXTN10, NGEN07 Omtentamen NGEN07 Exam. It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited!
13 - 15 EXTN10, NGEN07 Omtentamen NGEN07 Exam. It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited!