Teaching activity
w44, 2023 
Tuesday2023-10-31 14:00 - 16:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Juan Carlos Cruz Suárez
w45, 2023 
Monday2023-11-06 14:00 - 16:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Tzortzis Ikonomou
Wednesday2023-11-08 14:00 - 16:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Juan Carlos Cruz Suárez
w46, 2023 
Monday2023-11-13 14:00 - 16:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Tzortzis Ikonomou
w48, 2023 
Tuesday2023-11-28 14:00 - 16:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Christophe Premat The paper is due the 22nd of December (see information in itslearning). 2.500 words (+/- 10%) The oral examination is on Zoom the 5th of January (10.00-12.00)
w49, 2023 
Tuesday2023-12-05 14:00 - 16:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Christophe Premat Paper due (20 December - 2.500 words without the reference list +/- 10% margin - APA or Harvard style)
Friday2023-12-08 10:00 - 12:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Vera Cristina Faias Fonseca de Carvalho
w50, 2023 
Friday2023-12-15 13:00 - 15:00 via Zoom RS71UN Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages, exam Seminar Juan Carlos Cruz Suárez Paper due (20 December - 2.500 words without the reference list +/- 10% margin - APA or Harvard style)
Course codeCourse name