Viktigt meddelande
v 36, 2021 
Ons2021-09-08 09:00 - 12:00 Webbaserad undervisning UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Introduction Please note that you will find a link to the e-meeting service Zoom and further instructions for this web-based session via the learning and collaboration platform Athena.
v 37, 2021 
Ons2021-09-15 13:00 - 17:00 Webbaserad undervisning UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Introduction to Fritidshem (School-age Educare Centers) Please note that you will find a link to the e-meeting service Zoom and further instructions for this web-based session via the learning and collaboration platform Athena.
v 38, 2021 
Ons2021-09-22 09:00 - 12:00 Webbaserad undervisning UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Play Please note that you will find a link to the e-meeting service Zoom and further instructions for this web-based session via the learning and collaboration platform Athena.
v 41, 2021 
Ons2021-10-13 09:00 - 12:00 Webbaserad undervisning UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Learning theories Please note that you will find a link to the e-meeting service Zoom and further instructions for this web-based session via the learning and collaboration platform Athena.
v 43, 2021 
Ons2021-10-27 13:00 - 16:00 Webbaserad undervisning UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Learning and multimodality Please note that you will find a link to the e-meeting service Zoom and further instructions for this web-based session via the learning and collaboration platform Athena.
v 44, 2021 
Fre2021-11-05 09:00 - 16:00 BUV 220, Frescati backe, ingång 21 A, Vån 2 UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Outdoor/multimodal pedagogy
v 45, 2021 
Ons2021-11-10 13:00 - 17:00 BUV 223, Frescati backe, ingång 21 A, Vån 2 UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Elias Le Grand Value base of Swedish Schools and dealing with conflict
v 47, 2021 
Ons2021-11-24 13:00 - 17:00 BUV 105, Frescati backe, ingång 21 A, Vån 1 UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Elias Le Grand Child/Children´s perspective
v 49, 2021 
Ons2021-12-08 10:00 - 13:00 BUV 130, Frescati backe, ingång 21 A, Vån 1 UE2097 61467, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
61517, H21, 50%, DAG, NML
Patrik Lindholm Presentations
UE2097Fritidshemmets pedagogik