Allmänt om schemat

• Schemaändringar kan förekomma. Du bör därför prenumera på schemat, alt. spara det som ett bokmärke i din webbläsare. Ladda inte ned det som en fil.
• Kartlänken är enbart en hänvisning till rätt byggnadsdel, och visar inte en exakt placering inom byggnaden.
• Om ditt schema verkar ofullständigt eller är tomt vänligen kontakta en kursadminsitratör på din institution.

Om rumsplacering för tentamen

• Se din tilldelade tentamenssal genom att klicka på länken i kolumnenTentamenssal. Länken finns även i schemaprenumerationen.
• Visas det ingen länk genomförs din tentamen hos din institution.
• Tentamen schemalagd i flera salar: använd valfri länk.
OBS: Tentamenssalen är inte tillgänglig så länge det står "Obestämd skrivsal" som lokal för tentan. Placeringen görs i regel inte tidigare än 2 kalenderdagar före tentamensdatumet.

akolm, ihelm 
v 8 Lör 23 Feb. v 8
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC2102
Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
Retake exam
akolm, johs 
v 2 Lör 12 Jan. v 2
13:00 - 16:00 Laduvikssalen (skrivsal), Biblioteket Södra huset hus D EC2102
Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 44 Tors 1 Nov. v 44
10:00 - 13:00 D416, Södra huset D, Vån 4 EC7110 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
aneko, dase3344, peni1212 
v 43 Tors 25 Okt. v 43
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7414 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 49 Lör 8 Dec. v 49
14:00 - 17:00 Hörsal 4, Södra huset B, Vån 3 EC7414 Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 3 Lör 19 Jan. v 3
09:00 - 12:00 Hörsal 2, Södra huset A, Vån 3 EC7311 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 9 Lör 2 Mars v 9
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7210 Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
Retake exam
v 44 Tis 30 Okt. v 44
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7310 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 47 Lör 24 Nov. v 47
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7310 Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 43 Sön 28 Okt. v 43
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7213 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 47 Sön 25 Nov. v 47
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7213 Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 7 Sön 17 Feb. v 7
09:00 - 12:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC2110
Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
Retake Exam
v 2 Sön 13 Jan. v 2
09:00 - 12:00 D416, Södra huset D, Vån 4 EC7417 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 3 Sön 20 Jan. v 3
09:00 - 12:00 Hörsal 6, Södra huset C, Vån 3 EC7410 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 7 Sön 17 Feb. v 7
14:00 - 17:00 Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset A EC7410 Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 44 Ons 31 Okt. v 44
14:00 - 17:00 Hörsal 5, Södra huset B, Vån 3 EC7114 Examination NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 49 Mån 3 Dec. v 49
15:00 - 18:00 Laduvikssalen (skrivsal), Biblioteket Södra huset hus D EC7114 Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
v 50 Lör 15 Dec. v 50
09:00 - 12:00 Ugglevikssalen (skrivsal), Södra huset E EC2404
Omtentamen NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through
Retake Exam
EC2102Labour Market Economics
EC2110Nationalekonomin om osäkerhet och asymmetrisk information
EC2404Empirical Methods in Economics 2
EC7114Konkurrenspolitik och reglering
EC7213Finansiell utveckling och kris
EC7311Ekonomisk integration
EC7410Ekonometri 1
EC7414Policyanalys i arbetsmarknadsekonomi
EC7417Ekonometri 4a: Empirisk forskningsdesign