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v 45, 2019 
Mån2019-11-04 13:00 - 16:00 Sal2, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Introduktion JouWriting-All What is science journalism? Course introduction, lecture
Fre2019-11-08 10:00 - 12:00 Sal3, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Gästföreläsning JouWriting-All Writing about science. Lecture by journalist Katarina Bjärvall
13:00 - 15:00 Sal3, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Seminarium
JouWriting-All Good science writing: Finding a story. Seminar, exercise
v 46, 2019 
Tis2019-11-12 10:00 - 12:00 Sal1, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Seminarium
JouWriting-All The relationship between science and journalism. Seminar, exercise
Fre2019-11-15 09:00 - 12:00 Sal2, Garnisonen, Vån 4
Sal4, Garnisonen, Vån 4
JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Introduktion JouWriting-All News writing: Seminar and exercise.
v 47, 2019 
Tis2019-11-19 13:00 - 17:00 Sal1, Garnisonen, Vån 4
Sal4, Garnisonen, Vån 4
JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Seminarium JouWriting-All Finding sources, interviewing, fact checking. Seminar and exercise

Guest lecture Professor Anna Roosvall
Fre2019-11-22 09:00 - 12:00 Sal1, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Seminarium
Group A-B Researching, interviewing and writing the feature article.
v 48, 2019 
Tis2019-11-26 13:00 - 16:00 Sal3, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Föreläsning
JouWriting-All Storytelling and science writing. Lecture, exercise
Ons2019-11-27 11:45 - 12:00 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Inlämning JouWriting-All Deadline: News article workshop version.
Fre2019-11-29 09:30 - 13:00 Sal1, Garnisonen, Vån 4
Sal3, Garnisonen, Vån 4
JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Workshop Group A-B News article. Parallell workshop sessions (half class)
v 49, 2019 
Mån2019-12-02 16:45 - 17:00 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Inlämning JouWriting-All Deadline. Final version of news article due in Athena
Tis2019-12-03 09:00 - 12:00 Sal1, Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Redovisning JouWriting-All Considering publication channels and forms
Ons2019-12-04 11:45 - 12:00 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Inlämning JouWriting-All Deadline. Proposal for feature article due in Athena
Fre2019-12-06 09:00 - 12:00 Sal3, Garnisonen, Vån 4
Seminarierum 2 (Garnisonen), Garnisonen, Vån 4
JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Workshop JouWriting-All Workshop. Students pitch and receive feedback on feature article proposal
v 50, 2019 
Mån2019-12-09 13:00 - 16:00 Bangsalen, Garnisonen, Vån 5 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Föreläsning
JouWriting-All Presentation of group assignment: Critical analysis of science writing
v 51, 2019 
Mån2019-12-16 11:45 - 12:00 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Inlämning JouWriting-All Deadline. First draft of feature article due in Athena
Ons2019-12-18 09:00 - 17:00 Seminarierum 4, Garnisonen, Vån 4
Seminarierum 5, Garnisonen, Vån 4
JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Handledning JouWriting-All Advising for feature article. Schedule with specific advising time offered each student will be communicated once the course is in session
v 1, 2020 
Fre2020-01-03 11:45 - 12:00 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Inlämning JouWriting-All Deadline. Workshop version of feature article due in Athena
v 2, 2020 
Ons2020-01-08 13:00 - 17:00 Sal2, Garnisonen, Vån 4
Sal3, Garnisonen, Vån 4
JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Workshop JouWriting-All Workshop feature article. Parallel workshop sessions (four groups). The class will be divided into groups for this workshop once the course is in session
v 3, 2020 
Tis2020-01-14 11:45 - 12:00 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Inlämning JouWriting-All Deadline. Feature article and other required examination materials due in Athena.
Fre2020-01-17 09:30 - 16:30 Lindqvist-salen (TV-produktion), Garnisonen, Vån 4 JO3056 18910, H19, 50%, DAG, NML Examinationsseminarium Group A-B Examination. Ventilation of feature article. Parallel examination sessions
JO3056Journalistiskt skrivande