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Course/exam code
Room, Location Comment
w43 Mon 2021-10-25 w43
8 - 13 MIOA01, MIOA12 MIOA01-0118, MIOA12-0118 Examination, Managerial Economics, Basic Course Distance education due to COVID-19, Examination BI4, C4, D4-se, I1, N3, RH4, V2 107312
w11 Tue 2022-03-15 w11
8 - 13 MIOA01, MIOA12 MIOA01-0118, MIOA12-0118 Examination, Managerial Economics, Basic Course Examination C4, D4, F3, IBYA3, IBYI3, IBYV3, M1, MD1, Pi2, RH4 Vic:1-HELA, Vic:2-HELA, Vic:3A-B 107312
w16 Sat 2022-04-23 w16
8 - 13 MIOA01, MIOA12, MIOA15 MIOA01-0118, MIOA12-0118, MIOA15-0118 Examination, Managerial Economics, Basic Course Retake examination B3, D4-se, E2, F3, I1, IBYA3, IBYI3, IBYV3, K3, KLMT3, M1, MD1, Pi2, V2, W3 Vic:1-HELA, Vic:2A-B 107312
w33 Mon 2022-08-15 w33
8 - 13 MIOA01, MIOA12, MIOA15 MIOA01-0118, MIOA12-0118, MIOA15-0118 Examination, Managerial Economics, Basic Course Retake examination B3, D4-se, E2, F3, I1, IBYA3, IBYI3, IBYV3, K3, KLMT3, M1, MD1, Pi2, V2, W3 Vic:1-HELA 107312