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Course/exam code
w11 Fri 2021-03-19 w11
8 - 13 FAFA70, FFFN25, FYST50 FAFA70-0217, FFFN25-0115, FYST50-1511 Energy and Environmental Physics, Written Examination, Exam Examination E4-fh, F4-es, F4-f, F4-hn, F4-nf, MFOT1, MNAV1, N4-hn, N4-nf, W1 2020-11-13 07:37 107136
w14 Tue 2021-04-06 w14
8 - 13 FAFA70, FAFA75, FAFF10, FFFN25, FMFF15, FYST50 FAFA70-0217, FAFA75-0118, FAFF10-0316, FFFN25-0115, FMFF15-0110, FYST50-1511 Energy and Environmental Physics, Quantum Formalism, Written Examination, Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Methods, Exam Distance education due to COVID-19, Retake examination E4-fh, F3, F4-es, F4-f, F4-hn, F4-nf, I1, MFOT1, MNAV1, N4-hn, N4-nf, W1 2021-02-16 12:44 107136
w34 Tue 2021-08-24 w34
8 - 13 FAFA70, FAFA75, FAFF10, FFFN25, FMFF15, FYST50 FAFA70-0217, FAFA75-0118, FAFF10-0316, FFFN25-0115, FMFF15-0110, FYST50-1511 Energy and Environmental Physics, Quantum Formalism, Written Examination, Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Methods, Exam Retake examination E4-fh, F3, F4-es, F4-f, F4-hn, F4-nf, I1, MFOT1, MNAV1, N4-hn, N4-nf, W1 2021-06-28 10:24 107136