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Examinations Time 00:00 - 24:00
Course/exam code
w15 Fri 2021-04-16 w15
8 - 13 MIOF10, MIOF20, MIOF30, MION05, MION50 MIOF10-0110, MIOF20-0217, MIOF30-0117, MION05-0110, MION50-0115 Production and Inventory Control, Management Organization, Operations Research - Basic Course, Business Marketing, Quality Management Distance education due to COVID-19, Retake examination D4-se, E4-pla, E5-pla, I1, I3, I4-ai, I4-lf, I4-pr, I5-lf, I5-pr, M3, M4-lp, M5-lp, MLOG1-2 2021-02-16 13:48 107312
w22 Tue 2021-06-01 w22
8 - 13 MIOF20 MIOF20-0217 Management Organization Distance education due to COVID-19, Examination B4, BME4, C4, D4-se, E3, F4, I1, K4, M3 2021-04-21 10:57 107312
w33 Thu 2021-08-19 w33
8 - 13 MIOF20, MION20 MIOF20-0217, MION20-0119 Management Organization, Applied Business Analysis Retake examination B4, BME4, C4, D4-se, E3, E4-pla, F4, I1, I4-ai, K4, M3-4 2021-05-17 14:55 107312