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Examinations Begin time 00:00 - 24:00
Course/exam code
w44 Wed 2020-10-28 w44
14 - 19 FMAB30 FMAB30-0117 Calculus in Several Variables Examination B2, BI2, BME2, C2, D2, IDA3, IEA3, K2, L2, N2, V2, W2 Distanstentamen med Respondus Lockdown Browser via Canvas. Anslutning till Zoom via annan enhet krävs. Zoommöte startar 13.30. Mer info via 2020-10-05 10:59 107151
w11 Mon 2021-03-15 w11
8 - 13 FMAB30 FMAB30-0117 Calculus in Several Variables Distance education due to COVID-19, Examination I1, IBYA3, IBYI3, IBYV3 Anmälan senast den 8 mars. 2021-02-22 14:40 107151
w14 Sat 2021-04-10 w14
8 - 13 FMAB30 FMAB30-0117 Calculus in Several Variables Distance education due to COVID-19, Retake examination B2, BI2, BME2, C2, D2, E1, I1, K2, L2, M1, MD1, N2, V2, W2 Sista anmälningsdag 29 mars. Tre delar, ca 7.40-14.00. Info kommer på 2021-03-15 17:17 107151
w22 Mon 2021-05-31 w22
14 - 19 FMAB30 FMAB30-0117 Calculus in Several Variables Distance education due to COVID-19, Examination E1, M1, MD1 Sista anmälningsdag 24 maj. Tre delar, ca 13.40-20.00. Info kommer på 2021-05-07 14:54 107151
w33 Tue 2021-08-17 w33
8 - 13 FMAB30 FMAB30-0117 Calculus in Several Variables Retake examination B2, BI2, BME2, C2, D2, E1, I1, K2, L2, M1, MD1, N2, V2, W2 Sista anmälningsdag 9 augusti . Tre delar, ca 7.40-14.00. Info på, Samtdigt som FMAB35 2021-07-01 14:20 107151