v 49 Fredag 2018-12-07 v 49
10 - 12 EXTN10, NGEN07 EXTN10-0108, NGEN07-0701 Skriftlig examen, Webb-GIS Tentamen L4-fr, L4-gi, NGEN07 Exam. It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited!
13 - 15 EXTN10, NGEN07 EXTN10-0108, NGEN07-0701 Skriftlig examen, Webb-GIS Tentamen L4-fr, L4-gi, NGEN07 Exam. It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited!
v 9 Torsdag 2019-02-28 v 9
8 - 13 EXTN10, NGEA07, NGEA12, NGEA17, NGEN01, NGEN07, NGEN17 EXTN10-0108, NGEA12-0701, NGEA17-1301, NGEN01-0701, NGEN07-0701 Skriftlig examen, Geografiska informationssystem, fortsättningskurs, Synoptisk/mesoskalig meteorologi, Klimatförändringen och dess miljöeffekter, Webb-GIS Omtentamen NGEA07, NGEA12, NGEA17, NGEN01, NGEN07, NGEN17 Register for the re-exam by mail to eva.kovacs@nateko.lu.se latest 2018-02-12 NOTE!NGEN07!! The written examination will be in Världen (Geocentrum 1) at 8-10 and the practical exam in the Öresund (Geocentrum 1 second floor) at 10.30 to 12.30. Best,Eva