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Course/exam code
Room, Location Comment
w43 Fri 2021-10-29 w43
8 - 13 FMSF10, MASC04 FMSF10-0115, MASC04-0705 Examination, Exam Examination BME4-sbh, C4-ks, D4-bg, D4-mai, D4-ssr, E4-bg, E4-ss, F4-bg, F4-bm, F4-fm, F4-mai, F4-r, F4-ss, I4-fir, MWIR1 Vic:3A-C 2021-05-28 09:13 107152, 156152
8 - 13 FMSF10, MASC04 FMSF10-0115, MASC04-0705 Examination, Exam Examination F4, M4, MASC04, MMSR2, Pi3 Vic:2B-D 2021-05-28 09:13 107152, 156152
w2 Sat 2022-01-15 w2
8 - 13 FMSF10, MASC04 FMSF10-0115, MASC04-0705 Examination, Exam Retake examination BME4-sbh, C4-ks, D4-bg, D4-mai, D4-ssr, E4-bg, E4-ss, F4-bg, F4-bm, F4-fm, F4-mai, F4-r, F4-ss, I4-fir, MWIR1 MA 9F 2022-03-11 06:42 107152, 156152
8 - 13 FMSF10, MASC04 FMSF10-0115, MASC04-0705 Examination, Exam Retake examination F4, M4, MASC04, MMSR2, Pi3 MA 9E 2022-03-11 06:42 107152, 156152
w34 Wed 2022-08-24 w34
8 - 13 FMSF10, MASC04 FMSF10-0115, MASC04-0705 Examination, Exam Retake examination BME4-sbh, C4-ks, D4-bg, D4-mai, D4-ssr, E4-bg, E4-ss, F4-bg, F4-bm, F4-fm, F4-mai, F4-r, F4-ss, I4-fir, MWIR1 MH:309A 2021-03-11 08:43 107152, 156152
8 - 13 FMSF10, MASC04 FMSF10-0115, MASC04-0705 Examination, Exam Retake examination F4, M4, MASC04, MMSR2, Pi3 MH:309A 2021-03-11 08:43 107152, 156152