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Course/exam code
Room, Location Comment
w38 Thu 2013-09-19 w38
10 - 12 VBR180 Test BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh V:O1-2 2016-10-16 11:50 107471
w41 Tue 2013-10-08 w41
8 - 10 VBR180 Test BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh V:O1-2 2016-10-16 12:12 107471
w46 Mon 2013-11-11 w46
10 - 12 VBR180 Test BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh 2016-10-16 11:50 107471
13 - 17 VBR180 Test BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh 2016-10-16 11:50 107471
w48 Fri 2013-11-29 w48
15 - 17 VBR180 Test BI3, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh V:N1-2 2016-10-16 13:42 107471
w51 Thu 2013-12-19 w51
14 - 19 VBR180 VBR180-0108 Risk Analysis Methods Examination BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh Sparta:B-C 2016-10-16 12:39 107471
w17 Fri 2014-04-25 w17
8 - 13 VBR180 VBR180-0108 Risk Analysis Methods Retake exam requiring registration BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh E:1123 2016-10-13 20:35 107471
w34 Thu 2014-08-21 w34
8 - 13 VBR180 VBR180-0108 Risk Analysis Methods Retake exam requiring registration BI3, Pi4, Pi4-mrk, RH4-rh E:1123 2016-10-12 19:06 107471