Social Sciences: Theories and Issues in Development
Tuition Type
Public comment
w35 Monday 2021-08-30 w35
08:15 - 10:00 Introduction, Online Anne Jerneck Introduction to SIMP35 & Getting to know each other
13:00 - 16:00 Lecture, Online Anne Jerneck Issue: Poverty. Inequality and intersectionality
  Tuesday 2021-08-31
09:00 - 12:00 Lecture, Online Anne Jerneck Issue: Poverty (continued). Inequality and intersectionality
  Thursday 2021-09-02
13:00 - 16:00 Online, Seminar Anne Jerneck Seminars: Poverty and inequality.
  Friday 2021-09-03
13:00 - 14:00 Meeting with mentors G:a Kirurgen 240 (Hus R 240) Ghadeer Hussein
w36 Monday 2021-09-06 w36
09:00 - 12:00 Lecture, Online Anne Jerneck Issue: Development. Definitions, debates, controversies
  Tuesday 2021-09-07
09:00 - 12:00 Lecture, Online Anne Jerneck Theory: Development and social change
13:00 - 14:00 Online, Workshop Maja Carlson Information: Library Literacy training. Social Science Library
  Thursday 2021-09-09
13:00 - 16:00 Online, Seminar Anne Jerneck Seminars: Development theory
  Friday 2021-09-10
10:00 - 12:00 Lecture MH:Rieszsalen David O'byrne Theory: Amartya Sen. Economic choice, social choice
13:00 - 14:00 Meeting with mentors G:a Kirurgen 240 (Hus R 240) Ghadeer Hussein
w37 Monday 2021-09-13 w37
10:15 - 12:00 Lecture Palaestras Hörsal, Hela Ellinor Isgren Issue: Food. Regimes, security, sovereignty
13:00 - 16:00 Online, Seminar David O'byrne Seminars: Economic choice, social choice
  Tuesday 2021-09-14
13:00 - 14:00 Meeting with mentors G:a Kirurgen 240 (Hus R 240) Ghadeer Hussein
  Wednesday 2021-09-15
09:00 - 11:00 Online Lennart Olsson Issue: Food. Regimes, security, sovereignty
  Thursday 2021-09-16
13:00 - 16:00 Online, Seminar Ellinor Isgren Seminars/debate: Food.
  Friday 2021-09-17
13:15 - 15:00 Meeting Middle Eastern Studies: Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies, Social Sciences: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Social Sciences: Introduction to Global Studies, The Process of Social Research Thesis Information Meeting Thesis information meeting for 1st term program students. (Meeting ID: 619 9404 3984 Password: 614224)
w38 Monday 2021-09-20 w38
09:00 - 11:00 Lecture, Online Anne Jerneck Issue: Climate change. Theory: Political ecology
  Tuesday 2021-09-21
09:00 - 11:00 Lecture, Online Lennart Olsson Issue: Climate change. Impacts, responses, politics
13:00 - 14:30 Meeting with mentors G:a Köket 128 (Sh:128) Ghadeer Hussein
  Wednesday 2021-09-22
13:00 - 15:00 Online, Workshop Hanna Glad Middle Eastern Studies: Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies, Social Sciences: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Social Sciences: Introduction to Global Studies, The Process of Social Research Workshop: Reading strategies
  Thursday 2021-09-23
09:00 - 12:00 Online, Seminar Anne Jerneck Seminars/debates: Climate change
w39 Monday 2021-09-27 w39
09:15 - 12:00 Lecture Edens Hörsal Ana Maria Vargas Falla Issue: Labour. The working poor / decent work
  Tuesday 2021-09-28
13:15 - 15:00 Information Lucie Larssonova Middle Eastern Studies: Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies, Social Sciences: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Social Sciences: Introduction to Global Studies, The Process of Social Research Third Term Introduction Meeting for 1st term program students. (Meeting ID: 617 5530 2940, Password: 479444)
  Wednesday 2021-09-29
09:00 - 12:00 Online, Seminar Ana Maria Vargas Falla Literature Seminar: Labour. The working poor/Decent work
  Thursday 2021-09-30
13:15 - 16:00 Seminar Edens Hörsal Ana Maria Vargas Falla Seminar: Role play on the eviction of street vendors
  Friday 2021-10-01
13:00 - 14:30 Meeting with mentors G:a Köket 108 (Sh:108) Ghadeer Hussein
w40 Monday 2021-10-04 w40
09:15 - 12:00 Lecture Edens Hörsal Sara Gabrielsson Issue: Global health. One Health - social determination of health, Covid-19, and WASH
  Tuesday 2021-10-05
09:00 - 11:00 Lecture, Online Sara Gabrielsson Issue: Saniation crisi: Menstrual Hygiene Management (incl film!)
12:00 - 14:00 Lecture, Online Lennart Olsson Issue: Health effects of CC Heat stress
14:00 - 15:00 Workshop Maja Carlson Middle Eastern Studies: Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies, Social Sciences: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Social Sciences: Introduction to Global Studies Referencing - tools and shortcuts. In zoom.
  Thursday 2021-10-07
13:00 - 16:00 Online, Seminar Anne Jerneck Seminars with posters: Global health & health policy
  Friday 2021-10-08
13:00 - 14:30 Meeting with mentors G:a Kirurgen 148 (Hus R 148) Ghadeer Hussein
w41 Monday 2021-10-11 w41
09:00 - 12:00 Lecture, Online Malin Arvidson Issue: Ethics and trusteeship
  Tuesday 2021-10-12
13:00 - 14:30 Meeting with mentors G:a Kirurgen 148 (Hus R 148) Ghadeer Hussein
  Thursday 2021-10-14
13:00 - 17:00 Online, Seminar Anne Jerneck Seminars: ethics and trusteeship
w42 Wednesday 2021-10-20 w42
14:00 - 16:00 Workshop Hanna Glad Social Sciences: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Social Sciences: Introduction to Global Studies, The Process of Social Research Sharpen your argument
16:00 - 17:00 Online, Workshop Anne Jerneck Mentoring: Final papers
w43 Monday 2021-10-25 w43
08:45 - 09:00 Hand-in Final paper: Canvas
  Tuesday 2021-10-26
09:45 - 10:00 Hand-in Peer-review: Canvas. Each triplet uploads together: "all in one"
13:00 - 14:30 Meeting with mentors G:a Köket 108 (Sh:108) Ghadeer Hussein
  Wednesday 2021-10-27
09:15 - 12:00 Final seminar Edens Hörsal Anne Jerneck Exam: Final Seminar