Lokal, Platskommentar
Titel, Publik kommentar, URL
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09:00 - 10:30 BIOR78 Introduktion, Obligatoriskt Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Introduction, Compulsory
10:45 - 11:30 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Introduction to literature seminar 1a: Soil formation 1
11:30 - 12:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 1a: Soil formation 1
13:00 - 16:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 1a: Soil formation 1
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09:00 - 09:45 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Questions and answers to prep literature seminar 1a.
09:45 - 11:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 1a: Soil formation 1
11:00 - 12:00 BIOR78 Obligatoriskt, Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Literature seminar 1a: Soil formation 1. Group 1
13:00 - 14:00 BIOR78 Obligatoriskt, Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Literature seminar 1a: Soil formation 1. Group 2
14:15 - 15:00 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Introduction to literaure seminar 1b: Soil formation 2
15:00 - 17:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 1b: Soil formation 2
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09:00 - 11:15 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 1b: Soil formation 2
11:15 - 11:45 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Questions and answers to prep literature seminar 1b.
13:00 - 14:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 1b: Soil formation 2
14:00 - 15:00 BIOR78 Obligatoriskt, Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Literature seminar 1b: Soil formation 2. Group 2
15:15 - 16:15 BIOR78 Obligatoriskt, Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Literature seminar 1b: Soil formation 2. Group 1
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09:00 - 09:45 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Introduction to literature seminar 2: Soil C and N cycles
09:45 - 12:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 2
12:30 - 13:15 BIOR78 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Information, Obligatoriskt Compulsory via Zoom (https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/67837022690) Navigating your way through studies in Sweden: Jep Agrell Important information, Tina Ledje, Lotta Persmark
13:00 - 16:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Stora konferensrummet (A120), Studenten (E134), Ängen (G111) Preparation for literature seminar 2 (unless compulsary activities)
13:15 - 13:45 BIOR78 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Information, Obligatoriskt Online lecture in Zoom. Quick presentation of the organization "Synapse" and presentation of the Master's programme in Molecular Biology, Jan-Åke Nilsson, Main coordinator for the master's programmes in Biology
14:30 - 16:00 BIOR78 Distansundervisning pga. covid-19, Information, Obligatoriskt Meeting with program coordinators. Compulsory for new Master´s students at the dept. of Biology
16:00 - 17:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 2
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09:00 - 09:30 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Questions and answers to prep literature seminar 2
09:30 - 12:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Preparation for literature seminar 2
13:00 - 16:00 BIOR78 Seminarium Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Studenten (E134) Literature seminar 2: Soil C and N cycles
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09:00 - 09:30 BIOR78 Seminarium Receptorn (D205) Introduction to literature seminar 3: Plants, microorganisms and their environment
09:30 - 12:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Cerebrum höger (D215b), Cerebrum vänster (D215a), Receptorn (D205), Retina (D227) Preparation for literature seminar 3
13:00 - 17:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Heden (G110), Hörsal Blå hallen, Hörsal Röda rummet, Maskrosen (E121) Preparation for literature seminar 3
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09:00 - 09:30 BIOR78 Seminarium Hörsal Röda rummet Questions and answers to prep literature seminar 3
09:30 - 12:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Hörsal Blå hallen, Hörsal Röda rummet, Receptorn (D205), Retina (D227) Preparation for literature seminar 3
13:00 - 14:00 BIOR78 Obligatoriskt, Seminarium Hörsal Röda rummet Soil and plant topic introduction and planning
14:00 - 16:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Etiketten (D107), Hörsal Blå hallen, Hörsal Röda rummet, Retina (D227) Soil and plant topic group work
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09:00 - 12:00 BIOR78 Obligatoriskt, Seminarium Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102) Literature seminar 3: Plants, microorganisms and their environment.
13:00 - 16:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Etiketten (D107), Hörsal Blå hallen, Hörsal Röda rummet, Maskrosen (E121) Soil and plant topic group work
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09:00 - 13:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Soil and plant topic group work
13:00 - 15:00 BIOR78 Information, Obligatoriskt Lecture: Scientific Writing. Compulsory for new students at the Biology dept.
15:15 - 16:00 BIOR78 Information, Obligatoriskt Lecture on Cheating and Plagiarism. Compulsory for new students at the Biology dept.
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09:00 - 11:00 BIOR78 Grupparbete Krypt - Raggmossan (T109), Krypt - Vitmossan (T102), Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Soil and plant topic group work
11:00 - 12:00 BIOR78 Seminarium Kärret Väster (B130), Kärret Öster (B131) Soil and plant topic questions and answers
13:00 - 17:00 BIOR78 Självstudier Soil and plant topic individual report writing