Course, Course
Course event
w21 Fri 2024-05-24 w21
08:15 - 12:30 BM136G, Genetics G1N, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 4hp BMEPG23h, BMEPG23h1, EKOHG23h, MOBIG23h, MOBIG23h1, MOLBG23h, MOLBG23h1 EJEK, NORZ
08:15 - 14:00 BM219G, Human Physiology G1N, 15 credits Salstentamen 2, 4hp SSKPG24v MAGS, SKOL
08:15 - 12:30 BM339G, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I G1F, 15 credits Salstentamen 3 SSJPG23v KADR
08:15 - 13:30 MT347G, Strength of Materials III G1F, 6 credits Salstentamen 6hp MAING22h STRN, SVED
08:15 - 12:30 PR014G, Industrial Engineering G1N, 6 credits Salstentamen 3hp ATEEG23h KEDM, SVEV
08:15 - 12:30 PR315G, Maintenance and Operation Reliability G1F, 6 credits Salstentamen 3hp PRODG22h KEDM, STRN
08:15 - 12:30 SV134G, Swedish for International Students 2: Text and Grammar G1N, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 4hp BENN, NIKI
  Sat 2024-05-25
09:15 - 14:30 BM218G, Anatomy and Physiology 2 G1N, 7.5 credits Avvecklingstentamen Salstentamen 2, 3.5hp SSJPG20h, SSJPG20v, SSJPG21h, SSJPG21v, SSJPG22h, SSJPG22v, SSJPG23h, SSJPG23v BENB, JOSL
09:15 - 13:30 IT398G, Software Engineering G1F, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 3hp DVSUG22h, WEBUG22h ATIY, GUSH
09:15 - 13:30 MA009B, Mathematics 2, Qualifying Course, 7.5 fup Salstentamen 6hp, Avvecklingstentamen, anmälan enligt beslut NATAB22h, TEKAB22v, TEKAB22v1, TERMB22h, TERMB23v, TERMB23v1 KALE, TIDJ
09:15 - 14:30 MA126G, Discrete Mathematics G1N, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 5hp DVSUG23h, MOBIG22h, MOBIG22h1 AKLY, KALE
09:15 - 13:30 MA136G, Mathematical Introduction Course for Technicians G1N, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 6hp, Avvecklingstentamen, anmälan enligt beslut ATEEG22h KALE, TIDJ
09:15 - 13:30 MA316G, Mathematics for Engineers IV G1F, 3 credits Salstentamen 2hp DSIPG23h, HIBEG23h, MAING23h, PRODG23h KALE, TSOK
w22 Mon 2024-05-27 w22
08:15 - 12:30 BM303G, Immunology and Infection Biology G1F, 7.5 credits BMEPG23h, BMEPG23h1, MOLBG22h, MOLBG22h1 GUSE, OHAR
08:15 - 12:30 IT382G, Data Warehousing - Technologies and Methods G1F, 15 credits Salstentamen 6hp ITBIG22h, SYVEG22h BERK, JEUM
08:15 - 12:30 IT387G, Linux Administration G1F, 7.5 credits Tentamen 3.5hp NSARG23h CARO, FISH
08:15 - 12:30 MT300G, Mechanics II G1F, 3 credits Extra omtentamen DSIPG22h, MAING22h STRN, SVED
08:15 - 12:30 MT303G, Metrology for Technicians G1F, 6 credits ATEEG23h LJUL, RUNA
08:15 - 12:30 SD342G, Group Psychology G1F, 7.5 credits POLPG22h SJOQ, WALA
08:45 - 13:00 FÖ306G, Retail Strategy and Trends G1F, 7.5 credits HEKPG22h BROE, HERM
09:00 - 13:00 FÖ306G, Retail Strategy and Trends G1F, 7.5 credits HEKPG22h1, HEKPG22h2 BROE, HERM
12:45 - 18:00 JU130G, Basic Course on Commercial Law G1N, 15 credits HEKPG23h BJON, LUNP
13:00 - 18:00 JU130G, Basic Course on Commercial Law G1N, 15 credits HEKPG23h1, HEKPG23h2 BJON, LUNP
14:15 - 19:30 JU130G, Basic Course on Commercial Law G1N, 15 credits EKHÅG23h, EKLEG23h, EKONG23h, EKREG23h BJON, LUNP
14:15 - 19:30 MA305G, Multivariable Calculus G1F, 7.5 credits KALE, TSOK

  Modified within the last 7 days.