TimeEdit - Umeå universitet 5DV149, Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 57314vt22 2022-01-17 - 2023-01-17 Wed w3 2022-01-19 10:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, MIT.A.156, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.47.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Handledning, installation av programvaror Thu w3 2022-01-20 09:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 13:15 - 14:30 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 15:00 - 16:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, MIT.A.156, MIT.C.313, MIT.C.413, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.47.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.15, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A4.01.15, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Workshop 1: Enkla övningar i C. Ta med egna datorer till MC313, MC413. Fri w3 2022-01-21 10:00 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, MIT.A.156, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.47.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Handledning Mon w4 2022-01-24 09:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 13:00 - 14:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Fortsättning på föreläsning 3. Lösenord: 149149. 15:00 - 17:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, MIT.A.156, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.47.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Handledning via tutorqueue i lab och via zoom Thu w4 2022-01-27 08:15 - 10:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 10:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, MIT.C.323, MIT.C.413, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.25, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A4.01.15, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 1: Algoritmer. Också via zoom. Länk via chat.cs.umu.se 13:00 - 14:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, MIT.C.343, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-B3.01.06, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Workshop 3: Debugging. Vi kör en kort inledning via zoom. https://umu.zoom.us/j/9354333715?pwd=bmEwT0VBTkNyc1RoWE5yNEZ0SWorZz09 14:30 - 16:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Handledning via tutorqueue. Också via zoom. Mon w5 2022-01-31 08:15 - 10:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 10:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, MIT.A.156, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.47.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, , Handledning via tutorqueue. Ändrat från WS 4. Thu w5 2022-02-03 09:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (Python), Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV150, 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 13:15 - 15:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, Hörsal NAT.D.320, Hörsal NAT.D.360, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=Naturvetarhuset-F3-19-05, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=Naturvetarhuset-B3-12-05, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 2: Komplexitetsanalys. Också via zoom. Länk kommer att publiceras i kurschatten på chat.cs.umu.se. 15:15 - 17:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Handledning via tutorqueue Mon w6 2022-02-07 09:15 - 11:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 13:15 - 16:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Laboratory session, MIT.A.136, MIT.A.146, MIT.A.156, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.27.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.37.02, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A1.47.02, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Handledning via tutorqueue Thu w6 2022-02-10 08:15 - 10:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 10:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, MIT.C.313, MIT.C.323, MIT.C.413, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.15, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.25, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A4.01.15, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 3. Också via zoom. Länk publiceras i chatten. Mon w7 2022-02-14 08:15 - 10:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 10:15 - 11:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, MIT.C.313, MIT.C.323, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.15, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.25, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 4. Också via zoom. Länk publiceras i chatten. 11:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, MIT.C.313, MIT.C.323, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.15, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.25, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Workshop 4: Filhantering. Också via zoom. Länk publiceras i chatten. Tue w7 2022-02-15 11:00 - 13:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Other, MIT.A.316, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.08.05, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Muntlig redovisning OU1, Thu w7 2022-02-17 09:15 - 11:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 11:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, MIT.C.313, MIT.C.323, MIT.C.413, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.15, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A3.01.25, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=MIT-huset-A4.01.15, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 5: Hashtabeller. Också via zoom. Länk publiceras i chatten. Mon w8 2022-02-21 09:15 - 11:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 11:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, Hörsal NAT.D.360, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=Naturvetarhuset-B3-12-05, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 6: Grafer, grafalgoritmer. Också via zoom. Länk publiceras i chatten. Thu w8 2022-02-24 09:15 - 11:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 11:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lesson, Hörsal NAT.D.450, Hörsal NAT.D.470, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=Naturvetarhuset-B4-04-06, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=Naturvetarhuset-B4-22-06, , Arvid Bergman Thörn, Arvid Sundbom, Lennart Steinvall, Niclas Börlin, , Gruppövning 7: Binära sökträd, Huffman. Också via zoom. Länk publiceras i chatten. Mon w9 2022-02-28 10:15 - 12:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Lecture, Zoom, , , Niclas Börlin, , Lösenord: 149149 Thu w9 2022-03-03 13:15 - 15:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (Python), Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV150, 5DV149, , Lecture, Hörsal UB.A.210 - Lindellhallen 1, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=UB-C21717, , Niclas Börlin, Ola Ringdahl, Vicenç Torra, , Q&A, gamla tentor Fri w10 2022-03-11 13:00 - 17:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Exam Inspera, ÖP Skrivsal 1, ÖP Skrivsal 6, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=OPAV-Skrivsal1, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=OPAV-Skrivsal6, , , , Tue w15 2022-04-12 13:15 - 15:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (Python), Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV150, 5DV149, , Lecture, Hörsal NAT.D.360, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=Naturvetarhuset-B3-12-05, , Niclas Börlin, Ola Ringdahl, , Prel. tentamensgenomgång Wed w16 2022-04-20 13:00 - 17:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Re-examination Inspera, ÖP Skrivsal 1, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=OPAV-Skrivsal1, , , , Wed w34 2022-08-24 13:00 - 17:00 Data Structures and Algorithms (C), 5DV149, , Re-examination Inspera, ÖP Skrivsal 1, http://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=289&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=OPAV-Skrivsal1, , , ,