About schedules

• All schedules might be subject to changes. Therefore, it is always best to subscribe, or to bookmark them in your web browser. Do not download schedules as files.
• The map URL points to the correct building and does not show the exact location within it.
• If your schedule seems to be incorrect or is missing altogether, please get in touch with a course administrator at your department.

About exam seat allocation

• Find your assigned seat by clicking on the link under the column Allocated seat (exam). For exams scheduled in several rooms, click on any of the links. The link is also found in the calendar subscription.
• If no link is shown in the schedule, the exam is been co-ordinated by your department. Contact a course administrator should you need further information.
NOTE: Your allocated seat is made visible only a few days (generally two) prior to the exam.

Room, building, floor
Teaching activity
Student group
Required reading
w13, 2020 
Tue2020-03-24 09:00 - 10:00 Sal 144, Manne Siegbahn A-B, Vån 1 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Introduktion Helklass Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe
10:00 - 12:00 Sal 144, Manne Siegbahn A-B, Vån 1 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Föreläsning Helklass Elin Bergman Medieval and Early Modern Art, Architechture and Visual Culture during the 11th to 17th Centuries Qvarnström 2018 (ed.), pp. 11-87
w14, 2020 
Tue2020-03-31 10:00 - 12:00 Sal 144, Manne Siegbahn A-B, Vån 1 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Föreläsning Helklass Elin Bergman Early Modern Art, Architechture and Visual Culture during the 17th and 18th Centuries Snickare 2002 (ed.), pp. 103-126; Qvarnström 2018 (ed.), pp. 89-167.
Thu2020-04-02 09:00 - 10:30 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Seminarium Grupp 1 Elin Bergman Seminar, Old Town See instructions on Athena.
10:45 - 12:15 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Seminarium Grupp 2 Elin Bergman Seminar, Old Town See instructions on Athena.
w16, 2020 
Tue2020-04-14 10:00 - 12:00 Sal 144, Manne Siegbahn A-B, Vån 1 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Föreläsning Helklass Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe Modern Art and Visual Culture. The 19th and 20th centuries Björk 2017; Facos 1998 (rapid reading); Qvarnström 2018 (ed.), pp. 169-304, 335-388 (rapid reading)
w17, 2020 
Tue2020-04-21 12:00 - 13:30 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Studiebesök Grupp 1 Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe Seminar, Thielska galleriet D'Alleva, "Formal and contextual analysis" (available as pdf on Athena); Facos 1998, chapters 3 and 9; Qvarntröm (ed.), pp. 229-250. Seminar assignment will be posted on Athena.
13:30 - 15:00 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Studiebesök Grupp 2 Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe Seminar, Thielska galleriet D'Alleva, "Formal and contextual analysis" (available as pdf on Athena); Facos 1998, chapters 3 and 9; Qvarntröm (ed.), pp. 229-250. Seminar assignment will be posted on Athena.
w18, 2020 
Wed2020-04-29 13:00 - 15:00 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Seminarium Helklass Tanja Schult Swedish Modernism and the Welfare State Mattsson & Wallenstein, Swedish Modernism. The whole book. Minimum: Introduction, 152-159 – see file on Athena Qvarnström, Ludwig, “To build a Welfare State”, in Qvarnström, 305-320
w19, 2020 
Wed2020-05-06 13:00 - 15:00 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Seminarium Helklass Tanja Schult Årsta torg Louise Nyström & Mats Johan Lundström, " Sweden: The Life and Death and Life of Great Neighbourhood Centres", Built Environment (1978-), Vol. 32, No. 1, Neighbourhood Centres in Europe: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2006), pp. 32-52 [J Stor - available online] Mattsson & Wallenstein (whole book), Qvarnström (same as for lecture) - Assigment on Athena will follow - changes will be made as an on-site sem cannot be conducted in class
w21, 2020 
Tue2020-05-19 13:00 - 16:00 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Redovisning, Seminarium Helklass Tanja Schult Presentation of Assignments Part 1 Mattsson & Wallenstein, Swedish Modernism. The whole book. Minimum: Introduction, 152-159 – see file on Athena Qvarnström, Ludwig, “To build a Welfare State”, in Qvarnström, 305-320
Wed2020-05-20 09:00 - 12:00 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Redovisning, Seminarium Helklass Tanja Schult Presentation of Assignments Part 2 Mattsson & Wallenstein, Swedish Modernism. The whole book. Minimum: Introduction, 152-159 – see file on Athena Qvarnström, Ludwig, “To build a Welfare State”, in Qvarnström, 305-320
w22, 2020 
Thu2020-05-28 17:45 - 18:00 KV1000 Konst, arkitektur och visuell kultur i Sverige Hemtentamen, Inlämning Helklass
Course codeNamn