About schedules

• All schedules might be subject to changes. Therefore, it is always best to subscribe, or to bookmark them in your web browser. Do not download schedules as files.
• Please, note tha the map URL points to the correct building but does not necessarily show the exact location within it.
• If your schedule seems to be incorrect or is missing altogether, please get in touch with a course administrator at your department.

About exam room allocation

• Find your assigned exam room by clicking on the link under the column Exam room. For exams scheduled in several rooms, click on any of the links. The link is also found in the calendar subscription.
• If no link is shown in the schedule, the exam is been co-ordinated by your department. Contact a course administrator should you need further information.
NOTE: Your exam room is made visible only a few days (generally two) prior to the exam.

KN7001, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 1. Neurons & glia cells
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 2. Organization of the nervous system
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 3. Electrical properties of membranes
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 4. Action potential
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Roll call, Anna-Lena Ström, Roll Call
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Anna-Lena Ström, Course presentation
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Introduction, Anna-Lena Ström, Introduction for master students
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Introduction, Anders Undén, Anna-Lena Ström, Introduction to group exercises, labs, literature seminars
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1, Anna-Lena Ström, Lab 2: Brain anatomy
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 2, Anna-Lena Ström, Lab 2: Brain anatomy
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 5. Ion channels I
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 6. Ion channels II
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 7. Ion channels III
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 8. Release of neurotransmitters
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 9. Ligand-regulated ion channels I
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1-2, Anders Undén, Lab 5: Neurosim
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5, Anna-Lena Ström, Lab 2: Brain anatomy
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3-4, Anders Undén, Lab 5: Neurosim
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 6, Anna-Lena Ström, Lab 2: Brain anatomy
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5-6, Anders Undén, Lab 5: Neurosim
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Anna-Lena Ström, Lab 2: Brain anatomy
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 4, Anna-Lena Ström, Lab 2: Brain anatomy
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Test, Deadline hand-in dugga 1 at 5 pm
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Hand-out of dugga 1
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 6, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 10. Ligand-regulated ion channels II
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 11. Ligand-regulated ion channels III
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 12. Receptor kinetics
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 6, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 2, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 1
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 2, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 2
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 6, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 2
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 1. In K434
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 2
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 2
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Henrietta Nielsen, Lecture 13. GPCRs and G-proteins
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Henrietta Nielsen, Lecture 14. Second messengers I
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Henrietta Nielsen, Lecture 15. Second messengers II
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anna-Lena Ström, Lecture 16. Protein kinases and phosphatases
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 4, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 6, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 1
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 6, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 2
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 1
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 4, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 2
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 2
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 2, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 17. Monoamines I
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 18. Monoamines II
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 19. Neuropharmacology and pathology
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Self-study
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 2, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 1
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 2
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 2, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 2
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Group 6, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 3: IP3 inhibition
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Test, Dugga 2
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 20.
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Self-study, Literature seminar preparation
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 4, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 1
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 4, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 1: Ca2+ flux part 2
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 3, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 2
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 4-5, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 3: IP3 inhibition
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Seminar, Presentation, Group 1-2, Anders Undén, Literature seminars
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Seminar, Presentation, Group 5-6, Anders Undén, Literature seminars
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Self-study, Literature seminar preparation Abstract to Mondo
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Henrietta Nielsen, Lecture 22. Neurotransmission in the retina
KÖL-K434, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36639&mlon=18.05902#map=18/59.36639/18.05902, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 1
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Seminar, Presentation, Group 3-4, Anders Undén, Literature seminars
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 1-2, Daniel Patrick Twohig, Lab 3: IP3 inhibition
C472, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Laboratory experiment, Group 5, Maxime Gestin, Lab 4: Receptor binding part 2
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53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Exam preparation, Self-tuition – preparation for exam
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Exam preparation, Self-tuition – preparation for exam
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Lecture, Anders Undén, Lecture 21. Neurochemical aspects of pain
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Presentation, Presentation and summary of lab 1-5
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Tue-Wed, Sun
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Exam preparation, Self-tuition – preparation for exam
Mon, Thu
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Exam preparation, Self-tuition – preparation for exam
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Exam preparation, Anders Undén, Review of previous exams, Q&A
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Course conclusion , Anders Undén, Self-assessment, reflection group discussion. Exam discussion – course evaluation
Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Examination, Written exam, KN7001
53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Exam preparation, Self-tuition – preparation for exam
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Heilbronnsalen, C458, 4th floor, https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.36560&mlon=18.05952#map=18/59.36560/18.05952, 53781, H18, 100%, DAG, NML, Examination, Anna-Lena Ström, Omtentamen
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Course codeNamn
KN7001Neurokemi med molekylär neurobiologi