Course instance
45, 2018 
Wed11/07/2018 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Auditorium 3, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 1
47, 2018 
Wed11/21/2018 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Auditorium 3, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 2
Fri11/23/2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Auditorium 11, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 3
48, 2018 
Tue11/27/2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Auditorium 3, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 4
49, 2018 
Mon12/03/2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Auditorium 5, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 5
Fri12/07/2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Auditorium 3, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 6
50, 2018 
Wed12/12/2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Auditorium 3, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 7
51, 2018 
Tue12/18/2018 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Auditorium 3, 3rd floor EC2102 33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML Lecture Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
Lecture 8
2, 2019 
Sat01/12/2019 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Laduvikssalen (skrivsal) EC2102
33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML
33861, H18, 50%, DAG, NML
Examination Ann-Sofie Kolm
Johan Söderberg
NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through https://www.student.ladok.se.
8, 2019 
Sat02/23/2019 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Brunnsvikssalen (skrivsal) EC2102
33849, H18, 50%, DAG, NML
33869, H18, 50%, DAG, NML
Resit Ann-Sofie Kolm
Ines Helm
NOTE! Compulsory registration in due time for written exams from the autumn semester 2018. You sign up for the written exam through https://www.student.ladok.se.
Retake exam
Course codeNamn
EC2102Labour Market Economics
EC7417Ekonometri 4a: Empirisk forskningsdesign