Comment, Dochttp
w36 Mon 2021-09-06 w36
13:00 - 15:30 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Course introduction - I.P.I
"Knowledge of Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts" course starts. Course intoduction, schedule and digital communication tools. Presentaions and get to know eachother. Teacher: Inga Påve Idivuoma
  Tue 2021-09-07
09:00 - 10:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts 1. assignment - IPI
1. assigment starts. Teacher: Inga Påve Idivuoma
  Wed 2021-09-08
09:00 - 11:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Lecture - Zoe Black
Innovation and Adaptation: Indigenious making practices in Aotearoa. (Recorded lecture).
Readings: Literature for the second area of study: The cultural expressions and art of indigenous
peoples. (in the curriculum)
  Thu 2021-09-09
13:00 - 15:30 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Lecture - Nivi Christensen
Topic: Greenlandic Art.
Readings: "Ethno aestetics" by Pia Arke. Find article in course Canvas page.
Bouchard, Marie 2012: Revisting an Inuit perspective.
w37 Mon 2021-09-13 w37
15:00 - 17:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Lecture - Wanda Nanibush
Topic: History of Indigenous Art in North America: The Exhibitions & artists
Reading: See Extra required reading list in Canvas.
  Wed 2021-09-15
09:00 - 11:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Preparation workshop
Preparation workshop for Mathias Danbold lecture. See canvas for readings. Topic: Indigenous art in a western context. Decolonizing.
11:00 - 12:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Personal guidance
Please let the course coordinator know if you are in need of guidance.
w38 Wed 2021-09-22 w38
09:00 - 2021-09-23 17:00 Sám ja girjj.vuođa symposia
w39 Mon 2021-09-27 w39
09:00 - 12:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Lecture - OCA
Office of Contemporary Art (OCA) with Katya Garcia-Antón.
  Tue 2021-09-28
09:00 - 12:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Lecture - Lisa Ravna Finbog
Topic: Making kin of people, duodji and stories in Sámi museums.
  Wed 2021-09-29
09:00 - 12:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Workshop seminar
Group assigments. Teachers: Inga P. Idivuoma & Samuel Valkeapää
13:00 - 16:00 DUOHABA Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts Personal guidance
Students are free to schedule time for guidance with teachers Inga Påve idivuoma & Samuel Valkeapää.
  Thu 2021-09-30
11:00 - 00:00 Evttohanáigemearri válggaide