TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, VSMN25 2021-08-30 - 2022-08-28 w35-34 w35-w34 Examinations Wed w43 2021-10-27 8 - 13 VSMN25, VSMN25-0119, Written Examination, Examination, MWLU2, V4-at, V4-ko, V5-vr, W5-vr, MA 9A-B, , 2021-03-24 13:39, 107426 Thu w17 2022-04-28 8 - 13 VSMA05, VSMF05, VSMN25, VTAN01, VSMA05-0108, VSMF05-0116, VSMN25-0119, VTAN01-0116, Structural Mechanics, Engineering Modelling: Analysis of Structures, Written Examination, Acoustics, Retake examination, MWLU2, V2-3, V4-at, V4-hb, V4-ko, V5-ko, V5-vr, W5-vr, Sparta:B-C, , 2022-05-10 16:04, 107426 Wed w34 2022-08-24 8 - 13 VSMA05, VSMF05, VSMN25, VSMA05-0108, VSMF05-0116, VSMN25-0119, Structural Mechanics, Engineering Modelling: Analysis of Structures, Written Examination, Retake examination, MWLU2, V2-3, V4-at, V4-ko, V5-vr, W5-vr, MA 9C-D, , 2022-09-09 10:37, 107426