TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, VVAN20 2020-08-31 - 2021-08-29 w36-34 w36-w34 Examinations Thu w6 2021-02-11 10 - 11 VVAN20, , , Distance education due to COVID-19, Test, MWLU1, V4-vr, W4-vr, , , 2020-11-16 13:18, 107760 Tue w9 2021-03-02 10 - 11 VVAN20, , , Distance education due to COVID-19, Test, MWLU1, V4-vr, W4-vr, , , 2020-11-16 13:18, 107760