TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, TEK295 2015-08-31 - 2016-08-27 Examinations Tue w44 2015-10-27 14 - 19 TEK295, TEK295-0104, Biology of the Cell, Examination, BME2, N2, TEK295, MA 9A-D, , 2016-10-03 21:26, 156401 Thu w1 2016-01-07 8 - 13 TEK295, TEK295-0104, Biology of the Cell, Retake examination, BME2, N2, TEK295, MA 9F, , 2016-10-02 18:23, 156401 Mon w34 2016-08-22 9 - 14 TEK295, , , Retake examination, BME2, , Anmälan skall göras tidigast den 8/8 och senast den 15/8 med e-post till Johanna_B.Jonsdottir@biol.lu.se Tentalokal meddelas när anmälningstiden har gått ut!, 2016-10-02 23:02, 156401