TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, VFTN20 2016-08-28 - 2017-09-03 Examinations Thu w2 2017-01-12 14 - 19 VFTN20, VFTN20-0112, Principles of Compensation in Real Estate, Examination, L5-fe, L5-fr, , 2017-11-15 12:45, 107466 Thu w16 2017-04-20 8 - 13 VFR120, VFR140, VFRN05, VFT015, VFTF05, VFTN20, VFR120-0101, VFR140-0116, VFRN05-0108, VFT015-0104, VFTF05-0109, VFTN20-0112, Real Estate Finance, Skriftlig tentamen, Purchasing Commercial Real Estate, The Real Estate Market, Real Estate Appraisal, Principles of Compensation in Real Estate, Retake examination, L1, L3, L4-fe, L4-fr, L5-fe, L5-fr, V5-bf, , 2017-11-15 12:44, 107466