TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, FMIN15 2019-09-02 - 2020-08-30 w36-35 w36-w35 Examinations Thu w3 2020-01-16 8 - 11 FMIN15, TFRN90, Environmental Management Systems, Examination, I5, TFRN90, W4-ms, IMES seminarierum, , 2019-09-26 07:57, 107181 Thu w16 2020-04-16 14 - 18 FMIF05, FMIF20, FMIF40, FMIF50, FMIN15, TFRF55, TFRN90, VTVA05, Building Construction, Environmental Issues, Environmental Management Systems, Examination, Examination and Environmental Legislation Project, Examination Part 1, Retake examination, E4, I5, L1, MLIV1, RH4, TFRF55, TFRN90, V2, W3, W4-ms, V:N1-2, FMIF20/TFRF55 3 h, FMIN15/TFRN90 3 timmar, 2019-04-01 15:27, 107181 Sat w34 2020-08-22 8 - 12 FMIF05, FMIF20, FMIF40, FMIF50, FMIN15, TFRF55, TFRN90, VTVA05, Building Construction, Environmental Issues, Environmental Management Systems, Examination, Examination and Environmental Legislation Project, Examination Part 1, Retake examination, E4, I5, L1, MLIV1, RH4, TFRF55, TFRN90, V2, W3, W4-ms, V:N1-2, FMIF20/TFRF55, FMIN15/TFRN90 och FMIF40/TFRG40 inställd!, 2020-08-18 12:19, 107181