TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, EXTN70 2018-09-03 - 2019-09-01 w36-35 w36-w35 Examinations Fri w12 2019-03-22 9 - 13 EXTN70, NGEN12, EXTN70-0111, NGEN12-0901, Geographical Databases, Examination, L4-gi, NGEN12, Atmosfären (Sal 209), It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited! The registration vill be opern between 11 of March and 19 of March., 2019-02-18 14:50, 156311 Thu w18 2019-05-02 8 - 13 EXTA50, EXTF01, EXTN70, NGEN12, EXTA50-0113, EXTF01-0108, Written Examination, GIS for Landscape Studies, Retake examination, L2, MWLU2, NGEA12, RH4, V4-vr, W4-vr, Lokal: Inst, Pangea (Hörsal 229), It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited! The registration will be open between 2019-03-25 - 2019-04-10, 2019-09-06 16:54, 156311 Tue w35 2019-08-27 8 - 13 EXTN70, NGEA03-04, NGEA24, NGEN02, NGEN08, NGEN12, , , Retake examination, NGEA03-04, NGEA24, NGEN02, NGEN08, NGEN12, Atmosfären, It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited! The registration will be open between 2019-06-14 - 2019-08-12, 2019-08-15 15:00, 156311