TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Examination, Retake examination, Retake exam requiring registration, Take home examination, Take-home exam retake, Test, Test, Oral examination, FFFN01 2018-09-03 - 2019-09-01 w36-35 w36-w35 Examinations Tue w44 2018-10-30 13 - 18 FFFN01, FYST31, FFFN01-0107, FYST31-0901, Advanced Processing of Nanostructures, Examination, F4-hn, F4-nf, FYST31, N4-hn, N4-m, N4-nf, Q111B Fysicum, , 2018-10-26 13:09, 107136 Mon w12 2019-03-18 8 - 13 FFFN01, FYST31, FFFN01-0107, FYST31-0901, Advanced Processing of Nanostructures, Cancelled, Examination, F4-hn, F4-nf, FYST31, N4-hn, N4-m, N4-nf, , OBS! Tentan inställd, pga inställd kurs VT19, 2019-02-25 10:18, 107136 Thu w17 2019-04-25 14 - 19 FFFN01, FYST43, FFFN01-0107, FYST43-0901, Advanced Processing of Nanostructures, Optics and Optical Design, Cancelled, Retake examination, F4-hn, F4-nf, FYST43, N4-hn, N4-m, N4-nf, , OBS! Tentan inställd, pga inställd kurs VT19, 2019-02-25 10:17, 107136