TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Tentamen, Omtentamen, Omtentamen med föranmälan, Hemtentamen, Omtillfälle hemtentamen, Dugga, Kontrollskrivning, Muntlig tentamen, EXTA50 2018-09-03 - 2019-09-01 v 36-35 v 36-v 35 Tentor Tisdag v 3 2019-01-15 8 - 13 EXTA50, Skriftlig tentamen, Tentamen, L2, , 2019-09-06 16:54 Torsdag v 18 2019-05-02 8 - 13 EXTA50, EXTF01, EXTN70, NGEN12, GIS för landskapsstudier, Skriftlig tentamen, Omtentamen, L2, MWLU2, NGEA12, RH4, V4-vr, W4-vr, It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited! The registration will be open between 2019-03-25 - 2019-04-10, 2019-09-06 16:54 Tisdag v 35 2019-08-27 8 - 13 EXTA50, EXTF01, NGEA05, NGEA07, NGEA12, NGEA17, NGEA20-21, NGEN01, NGEN07, NGEN17, GIS för landskapsstudier, Skriftlig tentamen, Omtentamen, MWLU2, NGEA05, NGEA07, NGEA12, NGEA17, NGEA20-21, NGEN01, NGEN07, NGEN17, RH4, V4-vr, W4-vr, It is mandatory to register for the examination. Log in to student.lu.se and sign up to exam. Note! Enrollment period is time limited! The registration will be open between 2019-06-14 - 2019-08-12, 2019-08-15 14:59