TimeEdit - Lunds universitet FLRA02 halvfart 2022-08-29 - 2023-01-15 w35-2 w35-w2 Schedule Fri w35 2022-09-02 10:00 - 12:00 FLRA02. Mother Tongue Instruction and Multilingual Study Guidance: Specialization, Evaluation and documentation of students' results, Theory and method, Independent project, FLRA02 halvfart, FLRA02 heltid, Introduction meeting, Distance, , , Petra Bernardini, https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69448307729, Fri w37 2022-09-16 13:00 - 15:00 FLRA02. Mother Tongue Instruction and Multilingual Study Guidance: Specialization, Independent project, FLRA02 halvfart, FLRA02 heltid, Seminar, Distance, , , Antonio Vázquez, Ermira Gervalla, Petra Bernardini, intro uppsats, Fri w40 2022-10-07 13:00 - 15:00 FLRA02. Mother Tongue Instruction and Multilingual Study Guidance: Specialization, Independent project, FLRA02 halvfart, FLRA02 heltid, Seminar, Distance, , , Ermira Gervalla, ,