Exam schedule
Title, Comment
w17 Wed 2024-04-24 w17
23:15 - 23:45 ÄUVD11, The Teacher and School ÄUVD11 Hand-in, Take home examination Helén Persson OBS: 23:59
w18 Fri 2024-05-03 w18
23:15 - 23:45 ÄUVD11, The Teacher and School ÄUVD11 Hand-in, Take home examination Helén Persson Obs. 23:59, OBS: gäller endast de med särskilt beslut om pedagogiskt stöd
w21 Mon 2024-05-20 w21
13:15 - 15:00 ÄUVD11, The Teacher and School ÄUVD11 Take home examination, Review, Online Helén Persson Via Zoom
w23 Mon 2024-06-03 w23
23:15 - 23:45 ÄUVD11, The Teacher and School ÄUVD11 Hand-in, Take home examination Helén Persson OBS: 23:59. , Restexamination!