Exam schedule
w49 Fri 2022-12-09 w49
08:00 - 12:00 SASH92, Social AI Through the Looking Glass SASH92 Examination MA 8A-B
w2 Thu 2023-01-12 w2
08:00 - 12:00 FPPA01, Practical philosophy: Philosphy, Politics and Economics - Introductory Term, FPRA12, Practical Philosophy: Level 1, FTEA13, Theoretical Philosophy: Level 1, FTEA21, Theoretical Philosophy: Level 2, FTEB06, Theoretical Philosophy: Philosophy of Science, SASH92, Social AI Through the Looking Glass Philosphical Logic, Philosophy of Science, Social AI Through the Looking Glass, The Philosophy of Science, Political Philosophy FPPA01, FPRA12, FTEA13, FTEA21, FTEB06, SASH92 Retake examination LUX:B152
w6 Fri 2023-02-10 w6
08:00 - 12:00 SASH92, Social AI Through the Looking Glass Social AI Through the Looking Glass SASH92 Retake examination, Retake Test LUX:C126 hörsal