TimeEdit - Lunds universitet Företagsekonomi, 263011, Företagsekonomi, Digital tentamen, DigTenta, DigTenta, Digital examination, Tentamen, Tentamen, Tentamen, Examination, Omdugga, Omdugga, Omdugga, Retake Test, Omtentamen, Omtenta, Omtenta, Retake examination, Omtillfälle hemtentamen, OmtentaHem, OmtentaHem, Take-home exam retake, Omprov, Omprov, Omprov, Retake examination, Omhemprov, Omhemprov, Omhemprov, Home retest, Dugga, Dugga, Dugga, Test, Quiz, Quiz, Quiz, Quiz, Hemprov, Hemprov, Hemprov, Home Test, Hemtentamen, Hemtenta, Hemtenta, Take home examination, Uppsamlingsprov, Uppsamlingsprov, Uppsamlingsprov, Retake Test 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-31 Thu w34 2022-08-25 07:30 - 08:00 Organisation and Leadership, , BScSem2, IBUA41-22V, Take-home exam retake, Assignment handout, , , , 16:30 - 17:00 Business Ethics and sustainability, , BScSem4, IBUG41-22V, Take-home exam retake, Deadline, , , , Fri w34 2022-08-26 16:30 - 17:00 Organisation and Leadership, , BScSem2, IBUA41-22V, Take-home exam retake, Deadline, , , ,