TimeEdit - Karolinska Institutet 4FF001, Professionell utveckling och etik, FF001 2022-11-21 2023-01-01 - 2023-01-31 Mon-Fri Time 08:00 - 18:00 Mon w1 2023-01-02 09:00 - 12:00 4FF001, Place, choose yourself, Self-study, Professional development, , , , , 13:00 - 16:00 4FF001, Place, choose yourself, Self-study, Professional development, , , , , Tue w1 2023-01-03 09:00 - 12:00 4FF001, Place, choose yourself, Self-study, Professional development, , , , , Mon w2 2023-01-09 09:00 - 12:00 4FF001, Peter Reichard. https://medarbetare.ki.se/peter-reichard, Lecture, Communication, , Anna Birgersdotter, , , 13:00 - 16:00 4FF001, Peter Reichard. https://medarbetare.ki.se/peter-reichard, Lecture, Communication, , Anna Birgersdotter, , , Tue w2 2023-01-10 09:00 - 12:00 4FF001, Place, choose yourself, Self-study, Professional development, , Anna Birgersdotter, , , 13:00 - 16:00 4FF001, Peter Reichard. https://medarbetare.ki.se/peter-reichard, Practical exercise, Communication, , Anna Birgersdotter, , , Wed w2 2023-01-11 09:00 - 12:00 4FF001, Place, choose yourself, Self-study, Professional development, , , , , 13:00 - 16:00 4FF001, Place, choose yourself, Self-study, Professional development, , , , , Thu w2 2023-01-12 09:00 - 12:00 4FF001, Atrium. http://ki.se/medarbetare/atrium, Presentation, Professional development, Mandatory, From hypothesis to therapy, Hanna Jansson, Gunnar Schulte, , , 13:00 - 16:00 4FF001, Atrium. http://ki.se/medarbetare/atrium, Presentation, Professional development, Mandatory, From hypothesis to therapy, Hanna Jansson, Gunnar Schulte, , ,