Course, Room, Place, URL
Activity, Description, Mandatory
Module, Group
Lecturer, Teacher
Other Information, Comment
w35 Mon 2023-08-28 w35
12:30 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Jurga Laurencikiene
Rachel Fisher
Welcome to the Master's Programme in Biomedicine + Roll call (including lunch)
  Tue 2023-08-29
09:00 - 13:00 4BI107
Andreas Vesalius, BZ
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Jurga Laurencikiene Joint kick-off - Master's Programmes in Biomedicine, Molecular Techniques in Life Science, Nutrition Science, Translational Physiology and Pharmacology, and Toxicology (including lunch)
13:00 - 13:45 4BI107
KI library
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Jurga Laurencikiene Introduction to KI library (13:00-13:50)
14:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Rachel Fisher Introductio to Frontiers in Biomedicine
  Wed 2023-08-30
09:00 - 09:45 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jurga Laurencikiene Introduction to the Circulation, Metabolism and Endcrinology week (course organisers)
09:45 - 10:15 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Kirsty Spalding The impact of obesity on fat cell turnover and function in humans, intro to JC1
10:15 - 10:45 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Peder Olofsson Neural control of inflammation in cardiovascular disease, intro to JC2
11:00 - 11:30 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jorge Ruas How and why organs communicate through secreted factors: from energy metabolism to mental health, intro to JC3
11:30 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Ulf Hedin Atherosclerosis from clinical and molecular perspective: biomarkers and personalized diagnostics, intro to JC4
13:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Biomedicine - professional skills Jenny Siméus GENERIC TRACK - Using sources and paraphrasing
  Thu 2023-08-31
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Journal Club Vladimir Shavva, Hong Jin, Kirsty Spalding, Jorge Ruas
Jurga Laurencikiene
Individual work - JC preparation in 4 groups, mentors available for drop-in Q&A and online
13:30 - 16:00 4BI107
221, http://ki.se/medarbetare/221
220, https://staff.ki.se/220
311, http://ki.se/medarbetare/311
326, http://ki.se/medarbetare/326
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Journal Club Vladimir Shavva, Hong Jin, Kirsty Spalding, Jorge Ruas
Jurga Laurencikiene
JC examination: JC discussions in 4 groups with mentors present. Groups 1-3 room 220, Groups 4-6 room 221, Groups 7-9 room 311, Groups 10-12 room 326
  Fri 2023-09-01
09:00 - 09:45 4BI107
4Y, https://medarbetare.ki.se/4y
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Niklas Mejhert Lipid droplets as central players in metabolism, novel approaches to study their function
10:00 - 10:45 4BI107
4Y, https://medarbetare.ki.se/4y
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Sampath Narayanan Single cell studies of cell plasticity in atherosclerosis
11:00 - 11:45 4BI107
4Y, https://medarbetare.ki.se/4y
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine David Marlevi Frontiers in clinical cardiovascular imaging
11:45 - 12:30 4BI107
4Y, https://medarbetare.ki.se/4y
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Paul Petrus Circadian inter-organ communication
13:30 - 15:00 4BI107
4C Takterassen , https://medarbetare.ki.se/4c-takterassen
4I Takterassen , https://medarbetare.ki.se/4i-takterassen
4F Takterassen , https://medarbetare.ki.se/4f-takterassen
4J Takterassen , https://medarbetare.ki.se/4j-takterassen
Group work
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Niklas Mejhert, Sampath Narayanan, David Marlevi, Paul Petrus
Jurga Laurencikiene
Group work for discussing research project topics defined by each task
together with teachers/mentors. Group 4-6 4C, Group 7-9 4I, Group 1-3 4F, Group 10-12 4G
w36 Mon 2023-09-04 w36
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jurga Laurencikiene Free time for group work, preparation of Tasks
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Sampath Narayanan, Paul Petrus, Niklas Mejhert, David Marlevi
Jurga Laurencikiene
Free time for group work, preparation of Tasks with drop-in Q&A session with mentors
  Tue 2023-09-05
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jurga Laurencikiene Course examination: Presentations of the project Task, with mentors present (15 mins presentation + 15 mins discussion)
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jurga Laurencikiene Course examination continued and Conclusions
  Wed 2023-09-06
09:00 - 09:30 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Matti Nikkola, Don Cameron
Introduction to the Cell Biology, Development and Regeneration Track/CMB, “The Task”
9:20-9:30 Introduction to today's theme; Aspects of Phase separation
09:30 - 10:15 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Nico Dantuma Seek and Destroy: Dealing with proteotoxic stress
10:30 - 11:15 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Marianne Farnebo Role of RNA in DNA repair and chromatin structure
11:15 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Donald Cameron Condensate formation without phase separation: how the oncoprotein MYC can induce TOP2A droplets to increase activity
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Biomedicine - professional skills Peter Lind
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Rhetoric workshop 1
16:00 - 16:30 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Biomedicine - professional skills Ellen Shute, Ana Varas Sanchez
Presentation of iGEM Stockholm
  Thu 2023-09-07
09:00 - 09:45 4BI107
S 114, https://medarbetare.ki.se/s-114
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Karolina Kublickiene Get together Intro to DEVREG /CLINTEC followed by: David Page Sex matters in health and disease,followed by
Q and A and discussion led by Karolina Kublickiene
10:00 - 10:45 4BI107
S 114, https://medarbetare.ki.se/s-114
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Ivan Nalvarte Ivan Nalvarte, Estrogen signaling in neurodegeneration - focus on sex differences in Alzheimer's disease, followed with Q and A
11:00 - 11:45 4BI107
S 114, https://medarbetare.ki.se/s-114
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Hong Qian Regenerative medicine to fight blood cancer: challenges and opportunities Followed Q and A
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Journal Club Lena Ström Journal Club preparation
  Fri 2023-09-08
09:00 - 09:30 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lena Ström Q&A for the J Club and the Task and Intro to today´s theme; Sequencing for research
09:30 - 10:15 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Rickard Sandberg Analyses of gene regulation at single-cell resolution
10:30 - 11:15 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Kristian Jeppsson Chromosome folding by SMC complexes
11:15 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Maria Genander Transcriptional regulation of epidermal progenitor cell development
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
206, https://staff.ki.se/206
207, https://staff.ki.se/207
209, https://staff.ki.se/209
222, https://staff.ki.se/222
213, https://staff.ki.se/213
203, https://staff.ki.se/203
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Journal Club Lena Ström Journal Club discussions
w37 Mon 2023-09-11 w37
09:00 - 09:45 4BI107
Erna Möllersalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/erna-mollersalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jose Inzunza Challenges and Opportunities in Reproduction, followed by Q&A
10:00 - 10:45 4BI107
Erna Möllersalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/erna-mollersalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Peter Stenvinkel Focus on planetary health: what’s good for nature, it is good for your health! Followed by Q and A
11:00 - 11:45 4BI107
Erna Möllersalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/erna-mollersalen
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Pauliina Damdimopoulou Environmental exposures and reproductive health: time for action/s!, followed by Q&A
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lena Ström Time for preparation of the Task, self-studies
  Tue 2023-09-12
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Frontiers in Biomedicine
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lena Ström Time for preparation of the Task, self-studies
13:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Charles, https://medarbetare.ki.se/larosal-charles
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lena Ström Oral Student presentations of The Task
13:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Wangari, https://medarbetare.ki.se/larosal-wangari
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lena Ström Oral Student presentations of The Task
15:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Wangari, https://medarbetare.ki.se/larosal-wangari
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lena Ström Final general discussions, conclusions and reflections
  Wed 2023-09-13
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Welcome lecture
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Innate Immunity
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Christopher Tibbitt Adaptive Immunity
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Biomedicine - professional skills Henrik Ahlenius
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Introduction to bioethics
  Thu 2023-09-14
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Journal Club Benedict Chambers Journal Club
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Sherwin Chan Parasite Lecture
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Journal Club Sherwin Chan Journal Club
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Self-study Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Self-studies/group preparation
  Fri 2023-09-15
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Federico Iovino Bacteria Lecture
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Journal Club Federico Iovino Journal Club
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Journal Club Julian Lang
Journal Club
13:00 - 14:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Jan Ingemar Flock
From Lab to Business: taking a finding in the lab to the stock marker
14:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Self-study Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Self-studies/group preparation
w38 Mon 2023-09-18 w38
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Erna Möllersalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/erna-mollersalen
Journal Club Tessa Campbell Journal Club
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Erna Möllersalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/erna-mollersalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedikt Strunz Covid
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Erna Möllersalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/erna-mollersalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Andrea Ponzetta Non Conventional T cells in a conventional world
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Self-study Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Self-studies/group preparation
  Tue 2023-09-19
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Student presentations
• Group 1 -> Innate Immunity: (i) Infection 9-9.30
• Group 2 -> Innate Immunity: (ii) Cancer 9.30-10.00
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Student Presentations
• Group 3 -> Adaptive immunity: (i) Infection 10.00-10.30
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Student Presentations
• Group 4 -> Adaptive immunity: (ii) Cancer 11.00-11.30
• Group 5 -> Adaptive immunity: (iii) Autoimmunity 11.30-12.00
13:00 - 14:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Student Presentations
• Group 6 -> Virology: (i) Viral diseases and pathology 13.00-13.30
• Group 7 -> Virology: (ii) Deveplopment of vaccines against virus 13.30-14.00
14:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Student Presentations
• Group 8 -> Bacteriology: (i) Bacterial diseases and pathology 14.00-14.30
15:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Benedict Chambers Student Presentations
• Group 9 -> Bacteriology: (ii) Bacterial microbiome in health and disease 15.00-15.30
• Group 10 -> Parasitology: (i) Parasitic diseases and pathology 15.30-16.00
  Wed 2023-09-20
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine L Brodin, F Piehl, Francesca Mangialashe
Maria Ankarcrona
Introduction: Neuroscience track
Lecture: Clinical aspects of dementia
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Fredrik Piehl Clinical neuro-immunology
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Maja Jagodic State of the art lectures - Inflammation CNS diseases
JC&tasks - M Ankarcrona
13:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Biomedicine - professional skills Jenny Siméus GENERIC TRACK - Writing a press release
  Thu 2023-09-21
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Self-study Journal Club Maria Ankarcrona Journal Club, Preparation in groups, self-study
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
211, https://medarbetare.ki.se/211
205, https://medarbetare.ki.se/205
212, https://medarbetare.ki.se/212
201, https://medarbetare.ki.se/201
208, https://medarbetare.ki.se/208
215, https://medarbetare.ki.se/215
214, https://medarbetare.ki.se/214
200 , https://medarbetare.ki.se/200
202, https://staff.ki.se/202
210, https://medarbetare.ki.se/campus-hus-och-miljoer/bokningsbara-lokaler/bokningsbara-lokaler-pa-campus-solna/210
Journal Club Maria Ankarcrona Group 1 Room 211
Group 2 Room 205
Group 3 Room 212
Group 4 Room 201
Group 5 Room 208
Group 6 Room 215
Group 7 Room 214
Group 8 Room 200
Group 9 Room 202
Group 10 Room 210
  Fri 2023-09-22
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Rosaleena Mohanty State of the art lectures - Imaging CNS diseases
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Carl Sellgren State of the art lectures - Psychiatry
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Luana Carvalho Naia State of the art lectures - Cellular mech. neurodegeneration
13:00 - 14:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Lars Tjernberg State of the art lectures -Protein missfolding
14:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Fredrik Piehl Clinical treatment trials in CNS diseases
15:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Fredrik Piehl Meet a patient with CNS disease
w39 Mon 2023-09-25 w39
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Self-study Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Maria Ankarcrona Preparations tasks - groupwise
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Self-study Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Maria Ankarcrona Preparations tasks - groupwise
  Tue 2023-09-26
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Fredrik Piehl
Maria Ankarcrona
Presentations and opposition
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Fredrik Piehl
Maria Ankarcrona
Presentations and opposition
  Wed 2023-09-27
00:00 - 00:00 Idrottsdag
  Thu 2023-09-28
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Margareta Wilhelm INTRO to Tumor Biology/Hallmarks of Cancer -Oncogenes
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Sylvain Peuget Tumor suppressors
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Margareta Wilhelm INFO PCM Group assignment
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Workshop Biomedicine - professional skills Peter Lind
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Rhetoric workshop 2
  Fri 2023-09-29
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Charlotte Rolny Tumor Microenvironment
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Judit Liano Pons Cancer metabolism
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Hong Qian Tumor Niche
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Self-study Journal Club Margareta Wilhelm Journal Club preparation Self-study
w40 Mon 2023-10-02 w40
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Claudia Kutter ncRNA in cancer
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Kasper Karlsson Tumor evolution
11:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Scheelesalen, https://medarbetare.ki.se/scheelesalen
Lecture Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Brinton Seashore-Ludlow Precision Cancer Medicine
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
211, https://medarbetare.ki.se/211
208, https://medarbetare.ki.se/208
215, https://medarbetare.ki.se/215
214, https://medarbetare.ki.se/214
Journal Club Claudia Kutter, Kasper Karlsson, Sylvain Peuget, Hong Qian, TBA
Margareta Wilhelm
Journal Club presentations
  Tue 2023-10-03
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
Group work Journal Club Margareta Wilhelm Work on group assignment (mentors available on zoom)
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Group work Journal Club Margareta Wilhelm Work on group assignment (mentors available on zoom)
  Wed 2023-10-04
09:00 - 10:30 4BI107
Biomedicum B0317
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Margareta Wilhelm Group presentation Grp 1,5,9
Biomedicum B0317
10:30 - 12:00 4BI107
Biomedicum B0317
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Margareta Wilhelm Group PresentationGrp 2,6,10
Biomedicum B0317
13:00 - 14:30 4BI107
Biomedicum B0317
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Margareta Wilhelm Group Presentation Grp 3,7,11
Biomedicum B0317
14:30 - 16:00 4BI107
Biomedicum B0317
Disease mechanisms and translational medicine Margareta Wilhelm Group Presentation Grp 4,8,12
Biomedicum B0317
  Thu 2023-10-05
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
Workshop Rachel Fisher Research Project Fair in Flemingsberg is cancelled.
  Fri 2023-10-06
09:00 - 10:00 4BI107
Lecture Rachel Fisher Course Council
10:00 - 11:00 4BI107
Lecture Peter Swoboda Info about semester 1 elective courses
13:00 - 15:00 4BI107
Ragnar Granit, https://medarbetare.ki.se/larosal-ragnar-granit
Peter Reichard, https://medarbetare.ki.se/peter-reichard
Workshop Rachel Fisher RESEARCH PROJECT FAIR
w41 Mon 2023-10-09 w41
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
224, https://medarbetare.ki.se/224
Biomedicine - professional skills Peter Lind
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Rhetoric examination (1/4 of class)
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
224, https://medarbetare.ki.se/224
Biomedicine - professional skills Peter Lind
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Rhetoric examination (1/4 of class)
  Tue 2023-10-10
09:00 - 12:00 4BI107
224, https://medarbetare.ki.se/224
Biomedicine - professional skills Peter Lind
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Rhetoric examination (1/4 of class)
13:00 - 16:00 4BI107
224, https://medarbetare.ki.se/224
Biomedicine - professional skills Peter Lind
Rachel Fisher
GENERIC TRACK - Rhetoric examination (1/4 of class)