In the event of a cancellation the student is responsible for finding a replacement. Please help the guest to navigate from one studio to the next, after you’ve finished your tutorial. The first student in the morning and the first student after lunch meet the guest in KHiOs main reception 5 minutes before the tutorial start.
Waiting list
u 21 Fredag 24.05.2024 u 21
11:00 - 12:00 Lisa Rosendahl Pina Stroynowska Top administration building 99858190 Åsa Båve +46735722857
13:00 - 14:00 Lisa Rosendahl Jacqueline Havn 9386 7199 / BA1 2nd floor / Right beside Line Berget
14:00 - 15:00 Lisa Rosendahl Gonzalo Fidalgo +34657367497 2BA studios, 3rd floor