***** Alla bokningar/scheman är preliminära tills två veckor innan kursstart. // All bookings/schedules are provisional until two weeks before the course starts.****
v 36 Tors 5/9 v 36
13:15 - 15:00 3B322 60 pl Muhammad Humayoun ISAD20, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, L5738 Machine-readable text
v 37 Mån 9/9 v 37
13:15 - 15:00 12B150 70 pl Cyril Holm ISAD20, ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, 45739, L5739, L5738 EU perspectives on law and regulations Legal Concepts, Part 1
15:15 - 17:00 12B150 70 pl Cyril Holm ISAD20, ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, 45739, L5739, L5738 Study a RaC implementation (start of small group work)
  Fre 13/9
13:15 - 16:00 12B150 70 pl Farzaneh Karegar ISAD20, ISAD20, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, L5738 Presentations and discussions with some stakeholder(s).
v 38 Mån 16/9 v 38
13:15 - 15:00 12B150 70 pl Ala Sarah Alaqra, John Sören Pettersson ISAD20, ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, 45739, L5739, L5738 Automated decision-making and citizens’ rights
15:15 - 16:00 12B150 70 pl John Sören Pettersson ISAD20, ISAD20, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, L5738 Other applications of RaC transformers
v 39 Tors 26/9 v 39
10:15 - 12:00 12B150 70 pl Anders Hultqvist, John Sören Pettersson ISAD20, ISAD20, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45739, L5739, L5738 Introducing main challenge: select a piece of the law and formulate it as rules and process it in some RaC transformer, and evaluate outcomes.
13:00 - 15:00 12B150 70 pl Cyril Holm, John Sören Pettersson ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, L5739, L5738 Introducing a major project work on AI application and other Legal Tech in law.
15:15 - 17:00 12B150 70 pl Malin Rönnblom ISAD20, ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, 45739, L5739, L5738 From politics to ethics
v 40 Mån 30/9 v 40
08:00 - 08:15 . ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, 45739, L5739, L5738 Mentoring groups and individuals (book times in Canvas)
  Tis 1/10
08:15 - 15:00 12C142 10 pl ISAD20, ISAD21, ISAD21, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, 45739, L5739, L5738 Introducing Law, AI, and Leviathan
v 45 Mån 4/11 v 45
13:15 - 17:00 12B150 70 pl Farzaneh Karegar ISAD20, ISAD20, JPA005, JPA005, L5606, 45606, 45738, L5738 Presentation of RaC reports (and individual examination of ISAD20 students)