***** Alla bokningar/scheman är preliminära tills två veckor innan kursstart. // All bookings/schedules are provisional until two weeks before the course starts.****
v 45 Mån 4/11 v 45
10:15 - 12:00 1D315 43 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Course Introduction
13:15 - 15:00 1D315 43 pl Maria Åkesson IEAD04, 45164 What is service management?
v 46 Tors 14/11 v 46
10:15 - 12:00 11D103C 40 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Course introduction
13:15 - 15:00 11D103C 40 pl Maria Åkesson IEAD04, 45164 What is service management?
  Fre 15/11
10:15 - 12:00 11C269 48 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Managing service people and relationships
13:15 - 15:00 11C269 48 pl Maria Åkesson IEAD04, 45164 Value and value creation - service logic
v 47 Tors 21/11 v 47
09:15 - 12:00 11C269 48 pl Maria Åkesson, Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Exam seminar assignment 1 (mandatory)
  Fre 22/11
15:45 - 16:00 11C269 48 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Exam: Hand-inn final version assignment 1
v 48 Tors 28/11 v 48
13:15 - 15:00 11C269 48 pl Pritam Padhi IEAD04, 45164 Service quality 1
  Fre 29/11
13:15 - 15:00 11C269 48 pl Pritam Padhi IEAD04, 45164 Service quality 2
  Lör 30/11
10:15 - 12:00 11C269 48 pl Maria Åkesson IEAD04, 45164 Servitization
v 49 Tors 5/12 v 49
10:15 - 12:00 11C269 48 pl Kristin Svärd IEAD04, 45164 Sustainable services
  Fre 6/12
10:15 - 12:00 11C269 48 pl Kristin Svärd IEAD04, 45164 Service business models
v 50 Tors 12/12 v 50
09:15 - 12:00 3B322 60 pl Kristin Svärd, Pritam Padhi IEAD04, 45164 Exam seminar assignment 2 (mandatory)
  Fre 13/12
15:45 - 16:00 . Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Exam: Hand-inn final version assignment 2
v 51 Ons 18/12 v 51
10:15 - 12:00 11C269 48 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Introduction Individual assignment
v 2 Fre 10/1 v 2
07:45 - 08:00 . Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Exam:Hand-inn Individual assignment
08:15 - 12:00 11D121 Ander 120 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164
v 3 Fre 17/1 v 3
09:15 - 12:00 1D227 20 pl Patrik Gottfridsson IEAD04, 45164 Exam: Hand in and seminar individual assignment (mandatory)
09:15 - 12:00 1D230 16 pl Maria Åkesson IEAD04, 45164 Exam: Hand in and seminar individual assignment (mandatory)
09:15 - 12:00 1D317 18 pl Kristin Svärd IEAD04, 45164 Exam: Hand in and seminar individual assignment (mandatory)
09:15 - 12:00 1D321 18 pl Pritam Padhi IEAD04, 45164 Exam: Hand in and seminar individual assignment (mandatory)