***** Alla bokningar/scheman är preliminära tills två veckor innan kursstart. // All bookings/schedules are provisional until two weeks before the course starts.****
v 41 Tis 8/10 v 41
13:15 - 16:00 12A226 30 pl Georgia Aitaki, Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Course intro + Lecture 1: Geomedia, culture and everyday life.
  Tors 10/10
10:15 - 12:00 1D237 53 pl Georgia Aitaki, Karin Fast, Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Roundtable: Paper ideas and more about autoethnography.
  Fre 11/10
10:15 - 12:00 3D416 24 pl Georgia Aitaki MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Literature seminar 1: Ytre-Arne (mandatory).
v 42 Tis 15/10 v 42
13:15 - 15:00 3D418 36 pl Georgia Aitaki MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Lecture 2: The mediatized self.
  Ons 16/10
10:15 - 12:00 21A346 26 pl Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Roundtable: Paper ideas.
v 43 Mån 21/10 v 43
13:15 - 16:00 12A424 Georgia Aitaki, Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Paper supervision, book on Canvas.
  Tis 22/10
10:15 - 12:00 1D237 53 pl Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Lecture 3: At home in a mediatized world.
  Fre 25/10
10:15 - 12:00 21A346 26 pl Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Literature seminar 2: Kennedy et al. (mandatory)
v 44 Mån 28/10 v 44
10:15 - 12:00 1D237 53 pl Karin Fast MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Lecture 4: The mediatized workplace.
  Tors 31/10
10:15 - 12:00 12A424 Georgia Aitaki, Karin Fast MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Paper supervision, book on Canvas.
  Fre 1/11
13:15 - 15:00 3D416 24 pl Karin Fast MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Literature seminar 3: Fast & Jansson (mandatory)
v 45 Tis 5/11 v 45
13:15 - 15:00 3D416 24 pl Georgia Aitaki, Karin Fast, Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Individual paper seminar (mandatory)
  Fre 8/11
16:45 - 17:00 . MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Individual paper submission.
v 46 Tis 12/11 v 46
10:15 - 12:00 3D416 24 pl Ulrika Åkerlund MKA101, MKA101, MKA101, L3983, 43983, 43986 Replacement seminar.