TimeEdit - Högskolan i Skövde Exam type, Exam, Reexam LC, Reexam, Exam LC 2024-09-21 - 2024-09-27 Mon w39 2024-09-23 09:45 - 12:00 BM702A. Vaccinology and Immunology A1N, 2.5 credits, , FHSVA24v, FORB, GUSE Wed w39 2024-09-25 14:15 - 16:30 KU107G. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Consciousness G1N, 7.5 credits, Salstentamen 1 Genomförs i datasal, KNMPG24h, BERE, REVA 14:15 - 16:30 KU132G. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience and Positive Psychology G1N, 7.5 credits, Salstentamen 1 Genomförs i datasal, KNPPG24h, BERE, REVA Thu w39 2024-09-26 14:15 - 18:30 ST309G. Statistics for Engineers II - basic course G1F, 3 credits, , MAING23h, PRODG23h, BREM, LUNM Fri w39 2024-09-27 08:15 - 13:00 BM302G. General Pharmacology and Microbiology G1F, 7.5 credits, Avvecklingstentamen. Anmälan enligt beslut, genomförs i datasal, klockslag kan komma att justeras., SSJPG20h, SSJPG20v, SSJPG21h, SSJPG21v, SSJPG22h, SSJPG22v, SSJPG23h, SSJPG23v, BENB, JOSL 08:15 - 13:00 BM340G. Clinical Microbiology and Pharmacology G1F, 7.5 credits, Salstentamen 2, SSKPG24v, KADR, OHAR 08:15 - 12:30 BV112G. Sustainable Development G1N, 7.5 credits, Salstentamen 2hp, Avvecklingstentamen, anmälan enligt beslut., BIMPG21h, BIMPG21h1, EKHÅG21h, EKOHG22h, MOBIG21h, MOBIG21h1, LENJ 08:15 - 10:30 KU107G. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Consciousness G1N, 7.5 credits, Salstentamen 2, KNMPG24h, BERE, REVA 08:15 - 10:30 KU132G. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience and Positive Psychology G1N, 7.5 credits, Salstentamen 2, KNPPG24h, BERE, REVA 08:15 - 12:30 MA304G. Linear Algebra - Geometric Transformations G1F, 3 credits, , PRODG23h, AKLY, KALE 08:15 - 12:30 OM128G. Nursing - Subject, Profession and Ethics G1N, 15 credits, , SSKPG24h, ABEC, MARX 08:15 - 12:30 PR033G. Fundamentals of Production Engineering G1N, 6 credits, , INGEA24h, INGEP24h, INITA24h, KEDM, SVEV 14:15 - 18:30 FY302G. Fluid Mechanics G1F, 3 credits, , MAING23h, KARR, NYQO 14:15 - 18:30 FÖ240G. Managerial Accounting for Engineers G1N, 6 credits, , DSIPG22h, MAING22h, PRODG22h, JOHD, LUNF