Course, Course
Course event
w19 Tue 2024-05-07 w19
13:15 - 16:30 BV113G, Microbiology G1N, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 6hp BMEPG23h, BMEPG23h1, EKOHG23h, MOLBG23h, MOLBG23h1 FAGM, GUSE
  Wed 2024-05-08
08:15 - 13:00 BM531G, Prescriptions of Certain Drugs I G2F, 6 credits Salstentamen 1, 3.5hp DISJA23h, DISJA23h1 BENB, HUSS, OHAR
08:15 - 11:30 EN244G, English: Academic Writing G1N, 7.5 credits SONS, WOLC
08:15 - 13:30 NA308G, Corporate Finance G1F, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 5hp EKONG22h, EKREG22h MORH, SAMJ
08:15 - 12:30 SD307G, Sustainable Lifestyle: Assessment, Social Problems, and Behavior Change G1F, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 4.5hp SPSPG18h, SPSPG19h, SPSPG20h, SPSPG21h BANT, SAMK
08:15 - 12:30 SD307G, Sustainable Lifestyle: Assessment, Social Problems, and Behavior Change G1F, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 4.5hp SPSPG22h BANT, SAMK