Course, Course
Activity, Exam type
w39 Fri 2024-09-27 w39
08:15 - 13:00 BM302G, General Pharmacology and Microbiology G1F, 7.5 credits Avvecklingstentamen. Anmälan enligt beslut, genomförs i datasal, klockslag kan komma att justeras. BENB, JOSL Written exam, Exam
08:15 - 13:00 BM340G, Clinical Microbiology and Pharmacology G1F, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 2 KADR, OHAR Written exam, Exam
08:15 - 12:30 BV112G, Sustainable Development G1N, 7.5 credits Salstentamen 2hp, Avvecklingstentamen, anmälan enligt beslut. LENJ Written exam, Exam
08:15 - 12:30 MA304G, Linear Algebra - Geometric Transformations G1F, 3 credits AKLY, KALE Written exam, Exam
08:15 - 12:30 OM128G, Nursing - Subject, Profession and Ethics G1N, 15 credits ABEC, MARX Written exam, Exam
08:15 - 12:30 PR033G, Fundamentals of Production Engineering G1N, 6 credits KEDM, SVEV Written exam, Exam
14:15 - 18:30 FY302G, Fluid Mechanics G1F, 3 credits KARR, NYQO Written exam, Exam
14:15 - 18:30 FÖ240G, Managerial Accounting for Engineers G1N, 6 credits JOHD, LUNF Written exam, Exam
w40 Mon 2024-09-30 w40
08:15 - 12:30 IT356G, Data Communication - Routing and Switching G1F, 9 credits CCNA2 Teoretiskt slutprov BIRM, INGK Written exam, Exam
  Wed 2024-10-02
13:15 - 15:00 IT109G, IT in Organizations - Introduction G1N, 15 credits Teoriblock 2 KILJ, LAEJ Seminar, Canvas
  Thu 2024-10-03
08:15 - 12:30 IT403G, IP Telephony G1F, 3 credits Skriftlig tentamen 1.5hp Avvecklingstentamen, anmälan enligt beslut. BIRM, FISH Written exam, Exam
08:15 - 12:30 OM330G, Nursing during Ill Health and Sickness I G1F, 15 credits GUTR, KALV Written exam, Exam

  Modified within the last 7 days.